
Dbq Women In Urbanization

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Women during the age of Industrialization in Britain conceded and proclaimed a more noticeable system of equality. As women protested for more rights, occupational opportunities, and increased wages, they drastically alternated their lives. As more women were working in factories, the differences in the lives of men and women decreased. Urbanization played a considerable role in the development of Industrial Britain. In certain conditions women were still separate as they had distinctive jobs, pay, and were still expected to do the tasks at home, all the while in atrocious conditions that were not always sympathized, but more overlooked. Women during the Industrialization were given specific jobs in factories that were not performed by males. For example, in document 5, an illustration shows how women were employed to transfer the coal from the mines to the surface, or haul coal to the shafts. Both occupations were refused to be performed by males. Another example would be in Document 2, where a journalist reported the working facility of female textile workers. Its stated that the female work of carpet weavers should not be underrated, but yet acknowledged. Despite the difficulty of the job, they were still distinct …show more content…

In document 4, Mr. Matthew Crabtree, a worker in a blanket mill had given a testimony in which he explained that the strenuous labor and conditions resulted in the girls having less time to expand their knowledge, making their language indecent. He stated how it also led to an increase in illegitimate children without marriage being performed. In document 6, the song, “The Distressed Seamstress” written by Roy Palmer in 1588, asks for the attention of the men of England for the concern of seamstresses. Roy explains how showing them compassion with increased pay would allow us to appreciate the work they perform on a daily

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