
Dbq Salem Witch Trials

Decent Essays

Following the European Reformation the agency of various denominations in History decreases drastically. Many people never learn anything about the Anabaptists and Calvinists history after the year 1600. One group however that had a significant influence on the early development of the United States were the Puritans. During the mid to late 1600’s two crises arose in Puritan villages; first the Antinomian controversy and later the infamous Salem Witch Trials.
The Puritan movement originated in England, seeking to purify the church there; they sought to remove any extravagance or luxury from their lives thereby being dedicated fully to God. Many Puritans left England taking their principles with them to colonize New England. One Puritan colony …show more content…

Though the Puritans left excellent records, these witch trials are still shrouded in mystery, and to this day historians debate why they happened. One explanation is that the Puritan philosophy of denying oneself any luxury left the young girls who started the Witch Hunt feeling starved for attention, causing them to act out. Whatever the reason is the fact remains that in February of 1692 two young girls began experiencing “fits” and blamed satanic rituals performed by some of the women of Salem. Massive hysteria erupted, and the trials resulted in the death of twenty-two people.
The Reputation of the Puritans is one of a solemn, austere people. They woke at dawn and often worked till dusk, believing that idle hands led to sin. When members of the community strayed from the puritan lifestyle, the punishments were often severe. The case of Anne Hutchinson in many ways exemplifies this. She was a Puritan woman who lived in the Massachusetts’s Bay Colony and held weekly bible studies where she and the other women would discuss the minister’s …show more content…

The Puritans restrictive and controlling laws cannot be blamed if, in fact, they were having hallucinations caused by fungally infected grain as some historians have suggested. However, the reaction was fast and severe. Two children acting strangely and thereby varying from what was deemed normal and socially acceptable caused enough paranoia and fear to fuel a two-year long witch hunt which directly targeted those who did not fit into the

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