
Dbq On Refugees Research Paper

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The U.S. should accept refugees who have background checks because they’re trying to flee from extreme violence, we don’t want history to repeat itself, and they want to start over, they’re not committing terror attacks. The first reason why the U.S. should accept refugees is because they want to flee from the violence in their country. Document 2 shows a picture of a little boy who barely survived an air strike. His face is completely covered in blood and his body is completely covered in dust. This is a clear reason why they want to escape and flee from their country, they need safety and they don’t have that back at home. Innocent little boys and girls are getting bombed for really foolish reasons. The sad part is that they can’t do anything about it, the only thing they can do is flee. And if they try to fight back they’re most …show more content…

should accept refugees with a checked background is because they need a place to start over, they’re not committing terror attacks. Document 6 shows what we need to know about refugees in the U.S. And it clearly says “0 syrian refugees that have resettled in the U.S. have been arrested or removed on terrorism charges” .This means that the refugees are really trying to change and start a new life, but they can’t because back in Syria, people are getting bombed, shot, and killed. They are not committing any terror acts or crimes. They just want to experience a pleasant and secured life. Also, document 9 is about how Hillary Clinton thinks we should help them out because it would undermine who we are as Americans. And even though we may be different, that’s the part that makes us strong. I agree with Clinton when she said this because they can offer things we don’t have and it can benefit us now and in the long run. We can come to agreements and help make America and other countries united as one and make this world great. This is why we should let refugees with a checked background in

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