The U.S. should accept refugees who have background checks because they’re trying to flee from extreme violence, we don’t want history to repeat itself, and they want to start over, they’re not committing terror attacks. The first reason why the U.S. should accept refugees is because they want to flee from the violence in their country. Document 2 shows a picture of a little boy who barely survived an air strike. His face is completely covered in blood and his body is completely covered in dust. This is a clear reason why they want to escape and flee from their country, they need safety and they don’t have that back at home. Innocent little boys and girls are getting bombed for really foolish reasons. The sad part is that they can’t do anything about it, the only thing they can do is flee. And if they try to fight back they’re most …show more content…
should accept refugees with a checked background is because they need a place to start over, they’re not committing terror attacks. Document 6 shows what we need to know about refugees in the U.S. And it clearly says “0 syrian refugees that have resettled in the U.S. have been arrested or removed on terrorism charges” .This means that the refugees are really trying to change and start a new life, but they can’t because back in Syria, people are getting bombed, shot, and killed. They are not committing any terror acts or crimes. They just want to experience a pleasant and secured life. Also, document 9 is about how Hillary Clinton thinks we should help them out because it would undermine who we are as Americans. And even though we may be different, that’s the part that makes us strong. I agree with Clinton when she said this because they can offer things we don’t have and it can benefit us now and in the long run. We can come to agreements and help make America and other countries united as one and make this world great. This is why we should let refugees with a checked background in
Imagine that you are in an airport trying to flee your country because there is a war going on, all of a sudden you get stopped by a security officer saying that the country you are trying to go to does not allow refugees, What would you do? The debate about refugees has been around since World War Two when Hitler was trying to torture or kill all the jews and other people he did not like. Here in America we did not let refugees into the U.S. during the war and a bunch of them were killed, however some did survive. Some people think that we should let them into the United States of America well, others say they should not be allowed to enter the U.S. In the year of 2016 there was around thirty-eight thousand refugees that were allowed into the United States. There were a bunch of other refugees that applied to come to the united states but got denied, because the U.S. did not choose them or they did not pass the test to become a refugee. The idea that refugees should not be allowed into the united states because they could bring disease, they could be a criminal or a terrorist, and they use up our land and resources deserves some merit. However These arguments do not realise that if we bring them into the United States we could save their lives, or give them better living conditions. In this article I will argue that we should allow refugees into the United States, but only under certain circumstances. Those circumstances are they should be allowed into the united
For instance, they have to have a good background and they have to be watched in the United States to make sure they aren’t part of a terrorist attack. Also, some refugees are in serious danger from the country they are in now and really need a place like the United States to go to because of war and terrible events happening. Everyone in the country may not agree with what is going on and want to have the same culture as the United States. For example, Luma in Outcasts United didn’t believe in women being looked down in Jordan and as she visited the United States she decided she liked the culture and ended up staying here. There is two different sides in the government right now and they’re letting the refugees in but regulating them strictly, the other side is not letting them in at all.
I enjoy the way that Ross organizes evidence from various resources to support his argument. At the very beginning of this article, Rose mentions that a great number of politicians are not very supportive of the idea that their country should take more refugees. Then he provided specific statistics to show how desperate the vast group of refugees may need safe shelters. Additionally, he also tries to explain the possible reasons that the United States has not permanently resettled many refugees so far. National security might be one of the biggest concerns according to him.
Much like many white people in the South believed black protestors had no right to infiltrate their cities in the 1960s, a large number of Americans are against the idea of letting refugees or anyone that follows a strongly stereotyped religion into their country. However, like King says, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” (78). Over the course of history, the United States have established themselves as a major power with the intentions of helping others. Whether the tactics for this have actually been successful in the past is a different discussion, but if the motives are pure, then this country has a moral and ethical obligation to help those in need. In this case, that would mean allowing these refugees into the country and not continuing to stigmatize an entire group of people any further. This country turned away refugees during World War II, and a portion of them were killed in the Holocaust. The exact same thing could potentially happen if these refugees and muslims are banned from traveling into the United States.
With so many refugees there has to be some fatal mistakes during the screening, two Iraqi men were part of thousands of refugees coming into the united states. When one of these men applied for the refugee program, it overlooked the fact that years earlier, american troops had lifted his fingerprints from a bomb in Iraq. This man exposed gaps in the screening process. From now on their names are run through more terrorist watch lists and other databases. As the FBI dove further into his case they found information on another man living nearby that has been there for over 5 months.
My first reason to why refugees should always be welcome is, how badly some get sexually abused or assaulted, how poorly they are treated and are seen as things instead of humans. picture this, you a five year old child, the village has been raided, your family have been killed except your uncle and one of your sisters, she marries an older man, whom she does not love but needs safety and security… this is a story that has happened before, a story that has happened many times, to many people. All of us, should be valued and treated with respect, regardless of our skin colour, cultural beliefs and/or background.
Like the refugees today I think some refugees should not be deported. I get that Donald Trump doesn't want to accept the refugees from the east side of the world . Like the bombing of the Boston Marathon, and the twin towers. Donald Trump is going to stop it for know, so the terrorist could stop. Donald Trump doesn't not want to see the terrorist attack. Like the one that happened in Paris, and the one that happen in
One of the factors that define what the experience of these incoming asylum seekers will be like is how the citizens of the welcoming country treat them. Therefore it is important to consider how after 9/11, the opinions of citizens towards immigration has changed. Gail Stewart talks about, how civilians were told that the perpetrators of the attacks were immigrants from the Middle East, who obtained legal visas; therefore it created a sense of discrimination in the face of civilians and policy makers. Stewart talks about the differing ideas of people. Some suggested that the country should go as far as, “keeping the borders closed” (Stewart, 2004). Meanwhile others feel like the whole idea of the US is based on welcoming immigrants, and “The greatest victory for Osama bin Laden, of course, would be if America lost faith in its openness" (Stewart, 2004). The road the government decided to take is requiring a much more detailed background check, for anyone seeking to immigrate to
The United States should accept refugees who have background checks. It is a humanitarian duty for people, and the United States, to help other people that are in danger. Background checks would let the U.S know if the refugees are dangerous or not, so as long as they aren’t in any harm, the U.S should let them in. Also, there are some Americans that are doing their best and helping out refugees that are actually coming in, and that shows American values.
The U.S need to also accept more refugees because of medical and mental assistance. As we can read in document #1 , a man kill his nephew because of all the traumas he has suffered. This show that this man needs mental health assistance and here we can provide with all the resources the U.S has. We can also connect this with document #2 because of the help that the little boy awaiting help. The U.S government should be like German chancellor Angela Merkel, who is admitting more refugees without worrying about the attacks that happen, and helping those who she can help and give them assistance. No everyone is the same, and we know there were attacks, but, those attacks where no most of it from refugees.
One problem with letting in refugees is the security risk. Refugees are coming in from dangerous countries like Syria, Iraq, and countries in the middle east. The reason they are leaving is because of safety reasons, but how do we know that they are not going to create a safety risk in our country. Refugees have to go through a lot of tests and they get searched before they enter the country, but can we trust the machines to detect anything that create a security risk?(Huffington Post 2) . Letting in the refugees can create terror acts just like what is happening in
Caring for one another, it's vital for every being to care for one another, especially humans, and even more at this time. This country was founded by these proclaimed “illegal aliens”. Refugees are barely escaping with their lives, and we have a duty, a human right and an international legal duty to help them survive. They came here for a better life and that's exactly what these modern day refugees seek. Those who constantly reject them and view them as less valuable than everyone else obviously haven't even thought about the way they fee and should be ashamed. They are coming from literal nothingness where they are just looking for safety. So, obviously if they’re engulfed in conflict, most will lack adequate documentation. The United States
As seen in the document many were protesting against all immigration, especially Jewish refugees. People just wanted self - preservation and to try and save the Christian religion and their French culture.
Can you imagine that your little town is being attacked or even a natural disaster may be occurring and you have nowhere to go? What would you do? How would you survive? You would have to flee your home away from the tragic disaster. You would have no place to call home and all you would have is the clothes on your back. Some in the process of leaving their town never get to see their family again and are lucky if they survive. This is why I believe that refugees should be allowed into the United States under certain conditions. These include having a positive background, being eligible for a job and respecting our nation as well as the people in it. As the US turns refugees away, thousands of lives are being taken away. We could easily help them by taking them into our country. Although some people that enter the country may commit crimes, that doesn’t mean we should turn all of them away. It would cause way more harm than good. Most crimes that happen in the United States are caused by the people that are US citizens rather than the refugees. All of these innocent lives are just being taken away and as many Americans sit back and do nothing about it. When we could be out there saving lives. Our country has to step in and do something about this serious situation. There are solutions we could use to solve these problems by making sure all people that enter this country are good at heart. Outside of very few exceptions our country is mainly made up of refugees and
Terrorists Terrorism/Crime are a big reason that refugees should not be let into the united states. One of the big reasons is that there are a lot of people trying to either get a visa or sneak into our country. “There have been over 400 cases of people sneaking across the border from Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, and Syria”. Associated Press 2015)This shows that people who shouldn't be crossing the border are sneaking in with the refugees to cause terrorism to our country. There are very few reasons that people from those countries should ever be entering our country, and them trying to sneak in and illegally come into our country tells us they are probably planning