
Dbq Essay On Tyranny

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Do you know what tyranny means? Tyranny is the act in which a person controls total power of all three branches. For example, King George the third from England who the colonists considered a “tyrant” because of his mean and cruel rule over the colonists. In 1787, 55 delegates went to Philadelphia to discuss a national government problem. The problem was that the, Articles of Confederation didn’t work so well and was weak. Therefore, the delegates decided to create the Constitution, which was the start of a new and better government. The Constitution included Federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and the Great Compromise which all guards against tyranny. First of all, Federalism guarded against tyranny by sharing and dividing …show more content…

The Legislative (The Senate and The House of Representatives), Executive (President), and the Judicial (Supreme and Inferior courts)(Doc B).
By having these separate and distinct groups, it would be much harder to take over the federal government because there are three branches of powers. To conclude, separating power between the three branches of the government, protects the central government from tyranny. Third of all, Checks and Balances guards us from tyranny. James Madison says, “...the constant aim is to divide and arrange the several offices in such a manner as that they may be a check on the other....[The three branches] should not be so far separated as to have no constitutional control over each other”(Doc C). Although, we have separate branches with separate powers, the branches shouldn’t be so far apart that they can do whatever they want. In addition, the other branches should be able to check on each other and approve of each other's doings. For instance, in Document C, The President can veto congress, but if two thirds of Congress disagree with the President's decision the Congress can override it by voting against the President’s choice. Checks and Balances ensures that the executive branch doesn’t overpower the legislative branch given that Congress can override the President's decision if it has enough votes. All in all, by having branches not too far apart. It lets each branch check on each other, so that one branch can’t just do anything they want. Having constitutional control keeps power in balance and makes sure not one branch has more power than the

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