
Davidson Heroes And Celebrities Summary

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In the article “Heroes and Celebrities”, Davidson (2014) wrote that being a hero has been equated with being a celebrity. According to the author, the main causes of the disappearance of heroism from modern-day society includes the influence of mass media, the culture of democracy, and also the gaining popularity of critical view of psychologists. The psychologists view that the great individuals in the past have emerged only due to their difficulties and are not noble enough for their achievements. He also discussed an important difference between heroes and celebrities that heroes have the potential to inspire us with their great achievements and nobility, unlike the celebrities who just want some exposure to increase their status in the society and serves no purpose or fill us with any sense of inspiration. The capability of the heroes to inspire us with their courage, ideals and spirit are very strong and also the quality of being noble in character is an important trait of all heroes in …show more content…

Davidson (2014) stated that the heroes have the ability to broaden one’s perspective. This concept of the author is indeed true as they make people understand the importance of being involved in the society in which one lives and thereby, improving the quality of one’s life. The positive contributions of heroes towards the society motivate the people, especially the young individuals, to follow their footsteps. By studying the lives of great leaders and knowing about their struggles and failures, people can plan their success and meet their challenges with better knowledge, greater preparedness, and with a sense of optimism and empowerment. For example, college students who are asked to read about the great achievers and noble leaders tend to show a greater commitment to learning and in serving the society. Thus, the influence of right heroes guides us to the right path in times of

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