
David Snow Psychological Theory

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A psychological theory that can contribute to the explanation of David Snow and why he murdered and sexually assaulted individuals would be Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. According to Freud, one is more likely to abide criminal behaviour when there is disruption during childhood psychosexual development (Brookman, 2005a). In addition to development interruption, having a weak conscious will coincide with the likelihood of criminal behaviour (Brookman, 2005a). The mind is comprised of the Id, Ego and Superego, and when there is a conflict of these three efforts to make decisions results in a weaker ability to make sufficient judgement (Brookman, 2005a). The Ego is supposed to reflect adequate judgement through learning upon poor urges that lead …show more content…

This theory illustrates that an individual will commit a crime if the benefits outweigh any potential consequence and having low self-control both contribute to committing criminal acts (Brookman, 2005b). Snow saw that his crimes would release his sexual gratification and cause a material gain, as he took individuals belongings while squatting in families cottages. From the death of his father at a young age is likely a factor of Snow’s low self-control and resulting in his actions to be comprised of risks and showed little empathy of these. Due to the lack of a strong bond and isolating himself from society led to developing a low-self control and resorted to homicide as he saw more benefits than consequences. In the video, it demonstrated that during trial Snow showed no remorse and did not seem to be phased by what was occurring in the trial (The House Hermit). A General Theory of Crime also highlighted common characteristics of potential perpetrators (Brookman, 2005b). Some being, atypical in personality, disproportionately young, male and normal region of intelligence (Brookman, 2005b). Snow was described as quiet, meticulous loner, kept to himself, white male in his 30’s from the investigators and Alison and Darris Shaw (The House Hermit). In addition to these traits detailed from the film, Fox and Levin also exhibit …show more content…

Some of his signatures that was consistent and found through his victims and at the cottages were bondage and strangulation, and his military writings. These type of M.O.’s do not occur very frequently as a tactic for death which eventually lead to the connection from Vancouver to Ontario. For example, strangulation only occurs in 38.6% of killings (Fox & Levin, 2015) and the use of gags or blindfolds being 7.1% (Beauregard & Martineau, 2012). It is also noteworthy Snow was described to be a very organized individual, which increases the likelihood of moving the victim’s body after the crime (Beauregard & Martineau, 2012), which was evident in the Blackburns’ deaths. Although these characteristics are uncommon, police were able to utilize his M.O. to determine links between the crimes and assisted in the identification of David Snow. Snow’s victim’s of the double murder were acquaintances as they were connected from Snow going to the Blackburn’s farm to get items for his antique shop. According to Decker’s article Exploring Victim-offender Relationships in Homicide, approximately 46% of homicides are involved with acquaintances (Decker, 1993). As Snow escalated and the weekly victims occurred there was no evidence of knowing his victims, they were simply in a vulnerable position which he took advantage of. This discrepancy of victim

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