
David Hume´s Philosophy Essay

Decent Essays

Hume’s Epistemology
David Hume was a Scottish philosopher known for his ideas of skepticism and empiricism. Hume strived to better develop John Locke’s idea of empiricism by using a scientific study of our own human nature. We cannot lean on common sense to exemplify human conduct without offering any clarification to the subject. In other words, Hume says that since human beings do, as a matter of fact, live and function in this world, observation of how humans do so is imminent. The primary goal of philosophy is simply to explain and justify the reasoning of why we believe what we do. Hume is the creator of two different perceptions that reside in the human mind, ideas and impressions. Impressions are more simply put as the root of …show more content…

Of the first kind are the sciences of Geometry, Algebra, and Arithmetic ... [which are] discoverable by the mere operation of thought ... Matters of fact, which are the second object of human reason, are not ascertained in the same manner; nor is our evidence of their truth, however great, of a like nature with the foregoing.” (Hume) “If we would satisfy ourselves, therefore, concerning the nature of that evidence, which assures us of matters of fact, we must enquire how we arrive at the knowledge of cause and effect." (Hume) Hume says that a judgment of causality is fully built by the mind and that these claims are results of behaviors We humans have a consistent habit of thinking causally. Thinking causally is a great thing, since without causal thinking we would not function well in everyday life. Causality is often referred to by Hume as the “cement of the universe.” Our judgment of causality are influenced by three different factors such as constant conjunction and contiguity. Constant conjunction causality is explained In a way in which humans see events happen in a cause and effect form. If I see one ball collide with another ball, then that result will probably happen every time. Contiguity is explained as two things being close to one another in both space and time. Therefore, causality does not belong in what we see, but in our minds. Causality is not a real feature of the human

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