
Dave's Death In The Last Spin By Evan Hunter

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The Last Spin, a short story by Evan Hunter features two characters, Dave and Tigo. In the story, Dave dies in a game of Russian roulette and who is to blame for his death? In my opinion, both the characters could be blamed for this. The blame could be assigned to Dave for his own death. The dispute leading towards the game of Russian roulette which ultimately ended Dave’s life was created by Dave and his group entering rival territory and doing damage to their property while being in a truce. Tigo says that ‘[Dave’s] boys shouldn’t have come in [Tigo’s] territory last night and Dave’s group shouldn’t have ‘shot at the candy store’. This action by Dave’s group could have aggravated Tigo’s group which caused the idea of having a game of Russian roulette to solve the conflict. If this did not happen, there would be no need to Play Russian roulette because there is no reason to play it and Dave would’ve not died. Although it may seem like Dave and his group should have all the blame assigned to them, Tigo also played a role in Dave’s …show more content…

When the game was progressing and no one was landing on the bullet, Tigo got impatient and added more bullets. Tigo’s decision to add more bullets was also influenced by his group as he said ‘We’d better lower the odds. The boys won’t like it if we…’. This means that their groups wouldn’t like it if they both stayed alive and no one lost. Another instance where Tigo added more bullets into the gun is when Dave asked what he was doing and he said ‘The boys said…’ then ‘Yeah, I’m game’ in a low voice. The means that Tigo actually didn’t want to add the third bullet into the gun, but he was sort of forced by his group to do it. If their groups weren’t so insistent on someone taking the punishment, Dave would not be where he is now. This is a major part contributing to Dave’s death, however the groups did one more thing that was a factor to the

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