
Dark Yugi Character Analysis

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Dark Yugi presents a strong front, and appears confident and in-control. One of his rules is "no matter the circumstances, always act like you have the upper-hand!" He purposely throws people off what he's feeling, as he dislikes others reading him easily. In a gaming situation, it's necessary for Dark Yugi to remain inscrutable. Sometimes he'll act worried while he has the upper-hand simply to confuse his opponents. Other times he'll bullshit his way and pretend he has anything remotely decent chance at winning. Though his usual confident appearance isn't a bluff. He loves games, so it's not a surprise they're his forte. No matter the game, he'll play it, even if his life is at stake. He's the King of Games, after all. And he certainly isn't …show more content…

Just don't expect him to be the one who gets his hands dirty, as he will only physically lash out when under stress (even then it's a wall that gets the brunt of it). Instead of using brawn he doesn't have, he utilizes illusions called Dark Games, which inflict pain mentally. If someone loses or cheats in a Dark Game, they are punished with a Penalty Game. Penalty Games are described as hellish and terrifying, something that exceeds imagination. What happens after a Penalty Game is not Dark Yugi's jurisdiction, and he's never explicitly shown to care. One of the few known instancse of him showing guilt about a Penalty Game is in regards to Kaiba, and even then he feels sorry causing trouble for Kaiba's little brother, …show more content…

In comparison to Yugi, Dark Yugi is the weaker personality. His confidence can quickly turn into arrogance and pride. He cares little of the consequences for others when he feels he has "moral superiority." For instance, he almost murders Kaiba in order to save his grandfather. He sooner ignores whatever he's done wrong rather than acknowledge it and apologize. After he almost murders Kaiba, he never bothers to apologize to anyone for his actions. Not even to his partner, Yugi. His friends are his most precious treasure. They're very important to him, though he doesn't always express it vocally. He believes with all his heart they're the ones who give him strength. He respects their opinions and choices, heeding whenever they ask him not to interfere (sometimes he does anyway, because he's stubborn). If they get in trouble, he's there to support them. He's usually there to make certain they aren't hurt, too. When Bakura is severely injured during the semi-finals of Battle City, Dark Yugi is the first one to rush to his

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