
Dark Drones Research Paper

Decent Essays

Dark Drones Whether it is a toy one gets for Christmas or a birthday, or if it is government made, drones are prevalent in today's society. They have been utilized by the military to help fight the war on terrorism. While one could say that drones are helpful, one may fail to see the negative effect the drones have on the people witnessing the attacks and the pilots. Innocent civilians are killed, pilots are physically and emotionally stressed, and large populations of people are traumatized the world over. One of the problems is the fact that some people who are are not terrorists are collateral damage because of drone attacks. There are people that can fit some aspects of a terrorist’s profile even though they are not actively involved in terrorists acts . In October of 2015, leaked documents showed that 90% of the people killed in a drone strike were not the intended targets, even though they are classified as “enemies killed in action”(Drones). Along with this fact, operators told a reporter at the McClatchy Newspaper that the pilots are not always sure of who they are killing (Drones). They are not sure because they can not fully see the target. …show more content…

As a result of the pilots sitting in an isolated room piloting the drones for so long, many of them cannot tell the difference between combat and their personal life (Drones). When people cannot tell the difference between personal life and combat, they can lose relationships with family and friends because they cannot trust and see the difference between the war and their personal life. Due to the isolation while working, the pilots are more likely to get PTSD, Posttraumatic stress disorder (Drones). Along with the isolation, the guilt and remorse can worsen and intensify the effects to that PTSD

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