Several hundred thousands years after the Big Bang, the stars began to light up the dark universe. As the universe expanded, it got colder and darker and less like a place that might produce things like heavier chemicals, plants, and animals. This period of the history of the universe was called the Dark Ages. During the Dark Ages, a lot of atoms was flowing through space, which contained 75% hydrogen with one portion and about 25% helium with two protons. Some areas in the universe were just slightly hotter and denser than others, and gravity magnified those differences. As gravity increased, the whole thing was clumping faster. At the center of each of those clouds of atoms, atoms began to bang into each other more violently and heat up particularly …show more content…
When stars died, chemicals other than hydrogen and helium formed, which led to the next level of complexity—Heavier Chemical Element. Most stars spent about 90% of their life over billions of years on during protons and hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei. When they run out of fuel, the furnace at the center of the star stopped supporting the star, and gravity took over. Small stars did not have much pressure at the center. They burned hydrogen slowly over billions of years at relatively low temperatures. When they died, they would slowly fade away. However, great stars had so much mass that they can create enormous pressures and temperature, and when the giant stars ran out of hydrogen, the temperature got cranked up even higher, which led the star to collapse. The high temperature that the collapse caused was able to make helium nuclei fuse into nuclei of carbon. When a star used up its helium, it collapsed again, and the cycle started over. The star heated up and began to fuse carbon to form
When a massive star depletes all of its magnesium and silicon supply, it will only have an iron ore remaining. At this point, they will not have enough energy to sustain the inner pull of gravity, and the star will collapse. During this process, electrons and protons will combine to form neutrons in the ore. When the ore is filled with neutrons, a rebound will occur, and everything will explode outwards, during which the neutrons will surround the iron atoms and will separate into protons and electrons. Now, the iron atom has excess of protons and electrons, which means that it is a different and heavier element, as the number of protons have increased. Heavier elements like gold get made during this process, when iron atoms gain
We are not quite sure exactly how it happened or even how long it took to happen. According to www. it underwent an incredible growth spurt and doubled in size at least 90 times. This marks the beginning of an extraordinary set of circumstances that created a perfect storm. It was a chaotic set of circumstances the temperature cooled than heated then combined and light appeared and was eventually followed by complete darkness. This light is detectable today and can be researched which will hopefully lead to answers that we have been wanting to answer for many years. Nearly 400 million years after our universe made its appearance in this dramatic and chaotic performance it began to come out of its dark ages. This phase of our universe lasted for a very long time and during this time our very first stars and galaxies appeared. The birth of our Solar System happened approximately after our universe turned 4.6 billion years old. It is believed to have been formed out of a “giant, rotating cloud of gas and dust known as the nebula.” In 1960 dark matter was discovered and remain one of the biggest unanswered questions today. Earth made its entrance approximately 4.54 billion years ago. At its beginning it wouldn’t have been able to be inhabited by humans. Volcanic activity was the norm and at one point there was a collision with another body that is thought
When all the galaxies were together in one little dot in white space they were extremely hot. And suddenly a huge explosion happened that huge explosion is the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an explosion that made all the galaxies expand and as they expanded they started to cool down. When the
The Universe was this tiny super atom, and between 12 and 20 million years ago it exploded, creating as we know it today, the Big bang. It sent matter in every which way, and that was just the beginning of the Universe. As it was forming, nearly all of the earth was made up of this huge cloud of hydrogen. Some of the hydrogen mixed with helium and developed into stars.
Fourteen billion years ago, there was nothing. Suddenly matter began expanding. As the point that contained all the matter and energy in the Universe expanded, it began cooling off. This theory is called the Big Bang Theory.
During the creation of stars, denser nuclei were generated from hydrogen and helium through the continuous procedure of stellar nucleosynthesis. Stars make fresh elements in their nuclei by enfolding elements together in a procedure known as nuclear fusion. Stars join hydrogen atoms to helium, then the Helium atoms are fused to generate beryllium, this process goes on, till blend in the core of star has generated each component up to iron. Nuclear fusion occurs in the hydrogen gas in the center of the Sun. It becomes squeezed together so firmly and four hydrogen nuclei join to develop one helium molecule. In the procedure, a number of-of the mass of the hydrogen atoms gets changed to energy in the formula of light. The similar procedure
The reactions within these huge stars created new elements, heavier elements such as oxygen and carbon. Lemonick (2006) explains how these elements allowed the gaseous clouds to collapse this time into much smaller stars than their predecessors, stars like our sun. "And like the sun, they would have started out generating lots of ultraviolet light before settling down to a more sedate existence" (p. 4). These smaller stars had the lifespan to be able to ionize the hydrogen. It was at this time that the dark ages came to an end. Some scientists theorize that it was X-rays and UV light spewed from black holes that brought a close to this dark time, but perhaps it was both of these theories that finally brought light to our universe.
Our Sun is not large enough to become a black hole when it dies. When the Sun loses all of its available nuclear fuel in its core, the Sun will die a quiet death. Stars that have the same size as the Sun are called Solar Mass Stars. When a Solar Mass star dies, its remnants become a white dwarf. Stars that have more mass will eventually become a black hole when they die. When a massive star loses all of its fuel, it is not able to sustain its own weight anymore and begins to collapse on itself. The massive star begins to heat up and a fraction of the stars outer layer. The massive stars outer layer also contains fresh nuclear fuel. This activates the nuclear reaction again and an explosion called a super nova happens. The innermost part of the massive star, the core, still continues to collapse. Depending on the size of the stars core, the star might become a neutron star and the collapsing stops or it will keep on continuing to collapse into a black hole. The dividing mass of the stars core is what determines the stars
According to website, “The Life Of A Star”, “The star begins to release energy, stopping it from contracting even more and causes it to shine.” Once a star starts to flicker rapidly and become even bigger than the star’s original size, the name will change from a high or low mass star to a supergiant (for high mass) and a red giant (for low mass stars). Red giants and supergiants are the result of a star running out of fuel for nuclear fusion to occur. Helium begins to build up in a star's center causing slower paces for new atoms to form, such as carbon, oxygen, and even iron. The book, “The Life And Death Of Stars” states, “But in the case of other stars, as the hydrogen fuel runs out, the star contracts and squeezes its helium. The central temperature rises until the helium atoms begin to form more complicated atoms - carbon, oxygen, and even heavier elements like iron. This information proves that stars start to form these atoms in the red giant/supergiant stage. The outer layers of these stars start to cool and become red. Red giants and supergiants are the stars that start the stage of a star dying
The Big bang is the leading explanation on how the earth came about. The earth started with a small singularity, then it inflated,13.8 billion years, to the cosmos that we all know about, today. The first second after the earth was formed, the surrounding temperature was 10 billion degrees F (5.5 billion C.) The cosmos, according to NASA, contained particles such as neutrons, electrons and protons, that later decayed as the earth cooled. There’s something called an “afterglow” of light that occurred after the big bang happened. Its genetic name is the cosmic microwave
Like our sun, it will eventually run out of hydrogen and helium fuel at the star’s core. However, it will have enough mass and pressure to fuse carbon (S2). Next, over time, heavier elements build up at the center and it becomes layered like an onion (S2). The elements will become lighter and move towards the outside of the star. The core will heat up and become dense. The core will become extremely heavy; so heavy that its gravitational force will not be able withstand it; causing it to explode. The explosion spews out stellar material throughout space
The massive star begins its life with a giant molecular. Molecular cloud are made from mega collections of gay and dust. While going through it’s awkward stages of adolescence it spends a great doing of nuclear fusion, its fusing hydrogen into helium for a long time. For millions of years the star has so much fuel, hydrogen atoms that it does so much smashing a creating new elements and energy of all day and every minute.
The temperature of the star has to be very high in order for the star to begin the process of nucleosynthesis, the process where the nuclei of lighter elements fuse together to form different nuclei, releasing energy in the process. A star can have a lifespan of millions, billions, or even trillions of years, depending on the mass of the star. Stars with a low to average mass, like our Sun, will burn longer than stars with a very large mass, because the process of nucleosynthesis will speed up for stars with a larger mass, causing their lifespan to be shorter than that of a star with a lower mass. The process of nucleosynthesis takes hydrogen and burns it into heavier elements, such as helium, allowing new elements form. A star will remain a main sequence star most of its life, burning all of the hydrogen into helium, and burning the helium into heavier
Once the temperature of the Universe dropped below the neutron-proton mass difference, neutrons began decaying into protons. If the early baryon density was low, then it was difficult for a proton to find a neutron with which to make helium before too many of the neutrons decayed away to account for the amount of helium we see today. So by measuring the He/H ratio today, they can calculate the necessary baryon density shortly after the Big Bang, and, consequently, the total number of baryons today. It turns out that you need about 0.05 M total baryonic matter to account for the known proportion of light isotopes. So only 1/20 of the total mass of the Universe is baryonic matter. This is probably the reason why Astronomers claim that Dark matter must exist to account for the gravity that holds galaxies together. If the only matter in the universe was matter we could directly detect, galaxies would not have had enough matter to have ever formed. The galaxies we observe today would fly apart because they wouldn't have enough matter to create a strong enough gravity to hold themselves together. Dark matter is also responsible for amplifying small fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background back in the early universe to create the large scale structure we observe in the universe today.
The changes that occur during a star 's life are called stellar evolution. The mass of a star determines the ultimate fate of a star. Stars that are more massive burn their fuel quicker and lead shorter lives. Because stars shine, they must change. The energy they lose by emitting light must come from the matter of which the star is made. This will lead to a change in its composition. Stars are formed from the material between stars, shine until they exhaust their fuel, and then die a predictable death based upon their initial mass.