
Dante's Inferno Research Paper

Decent Essays

In-class Essay Test-The Inferno
Dante Alighieri was a white guelph who wrote The Divine Comedy after being exiled from Florence. Dante wrote the Divine Comedy in 1308 and finished it in 1321. The Inferno which is a book in The Divine Comedy is about Hell. Sin to Dante is pride, avarice, and fraud. Dante punishes the sinners in a very non forgiving way. The way Dante places the sins is very strategic. Dante’s The Inferno was not only successful in his time, but it is also successful in modern time. The deeper circle sins are morally worse than the higher circles because the sinners are so morally corrupt that they have pushed themselves away from God. Upper Hell consists of circles 1-5. The sins of circles 1-5 are: born before christ, lust, gluttony, hoarding, and wrath. The punishments for those circles are: separated from God, can never see lovers, eating waste, can never move a boulder, and floating in water. The sins in circles …show more content…

People could argue that circle 9 which sin in betrayal should be violence. This point of view makes sense because God makes it clear that violence against others is a major sin and violence among God is an even worse sin. However, betrayal is in the lowest circle as it should be because Lucifer betrayed God and lost his grace. Lucifer betrayed every level in the the 9th circle and is at the lowest point of the lowest circle. Therefore, Dante’s hierarchy of sins is in a correct order because of what Lucifer did.
In The Inferno Dante wrote a message about sin and a solution to humanity’s problems. Dante’s message is, it is not too late to change your life and ask for forgiveness from God. This message is very effective because students still read The Inferno, and if the circles of Hell shaped how people imagine Hell, can it not shape how people avoid Hell? The fact that schools still require high schoolers to read The Inferno shows how effective it still

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