
Dangers of Cell Phones Essay

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People out for a fun night together and everyone looking down at their phones. Everyone shooting texts, updating social media and answering calls. Cell phones have truly changed the way how people connect to other people. Thirty years ago you would have to walk up to the cute guy at the bar, but with modern technology you can just shoot him a text instead. When many people think of the dangers of cell phones they think of all the accidents that they cause by distracted drivers. Many people don’t realize that not only distracted driving makes cell phones dangerous but with just modern day use can cause health problems and put people at risk with pedophiles. When people think of cell phones they think that they’re nothing but beneficial and …show more content…

What most people don’t know is that 5 seconds of distraction off the road is enough to cover a football field blindfolded when traveling at 55 mph. 18 to 20 drivers would answer an incoming call while on the road. Before the big booming of cell phones and when texting and driving wasn’t a problem the main cause of accidents was drinking and driving. Driving distraction isn’t the only the only distraction cell phones bring to society. Teenagers and students are distracted from school and school work. Students never will have their full attention in the classroom with a cell phone. When learning a new subject and new lesson students should always have their full attention to fully understand the subject. Teenagers and kids born in the 21st century have no problem operating a cell phone secretly and fast. Even in schools where they are strict with cell phones students have no problem getting away with using a cell phone. Cell phones also don’t help when a student is studying for a big exam or any sort of homework and test. They are constantly in touch with their friends and social media. With instant messaging and fast calls nothing is stopping them to not get distracted. Also with high tech new phones getting bigger and better every year distraction to school work is at its best. With thousands of apps and games to play from and high speed music download there is no doubt that cell phones distract students from their class work. It is proven that

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