In the end, Dances and the comanches go out to kill the white soldiers because the white soldiers killed Dances wolf Two Socks and his wolf Cisco. Dances says, “ I got two, Dances with wolves yelled back. He lifted his chained hands into the air and cried out with these”(303). Dances kills the white soldiers with the chain on his hands and put the chains on the body of the dead sargent.
I chose to research the Ponca Indian Tribe because they started out in the midwest, and currently still live in Nebraska. The 4 elements I have elected to write about are the social organizations, their customs and traditions, language, and the forms of government involved with the Ponca Indian Tribe.
The BlackFoot Indians make traditional costumes to trade for other goods and services. Mostly woman make them because the boys mostly hunt and the girls make clothes or decorate clothes. Another type of culture is the blackfoot tribe is made up of three sub tribes. These tribes are Siksika, Kainah, and Piegan. Their last culture is believing in mother nature. This isn’t a sunday thing they pray almost everyday. One thing they pray for is the “Sun
Binah Leinwand 7A English Melancon 15 Mar. 2024 The Intriguing Life of the Chippewa Tribe For centuries, the Chippewa tribe left a vibrant mark on American and Canadian history. About 320,000 people were part of the Chippewa tribe (“The History and Culture of the Ojibwe (Chippewa) tribe”). There were “Nearly 150 different bonds of Chippewa Indians” (Lewis “Chippewa Indian Fact sheet”). In addition, the Chippewa tribe lived in the United States and Canada.
The Choctaws have always been a resourceful and independent people. Having adapted to the harsh environment that is the United States, most of their current 89 000 members are doing well. Some of them live on reservations, others on trust land, but most choose to live in the city. The Oklahoma tribe, currently led by Gary Batton, owns seven casinos, among many other businesses, and their culture is largely intact.
I'll be talking about Shoshone people clothing, food they eat, how they for find food, and what they eat. To start off with what they use for clothes. Then, how they hunt for food. Finally, where they originated and what they're known for.
Crow Indians were one of the largest tribes, and they were very prosperous farmers. They had a sum of 300 buffalo in their possession. The Crow Indian tribe had many different sacred beliefs and items, and they are still living up to this day. The Crow Indian folklore stories are similar to those of the Mandan and Hidatsa tribes.
The Navajo Tribe The Navajo Tribe resides in Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona. They are one of the most well known tribes because of their history. They are also one of the most creative tribes and have items they have made that are very popular today. Navajo jewelry is recognizable and distinguishable by the turquoise stone that is in all of it.
During WWII the U.S Military needed to send reliable, rapid and secure code messages. The messages were coded in Native language. The Navajo and Comanche communication was unbreakable, saving the lives of an unknown number of American sailors and troops. The code talkers needed to create words for many specialized military terms. In 1941, the U.S Army recruited Comanche, Comanche was an unwritten language and potentially useful. The Comanche transmitted places and names. In 1942, the "First 29" Navajo Marines created a code to coordinate movement of men and artillery. In a similar way to the Comanche code talker, they used short and easy words that described military terms. The Navajo code compilation grew by the end of the war. A code talker
The Crow Tribe is also known as the Apsáalooke, Absaroka, and Apsaroke Tribe. They settled in Montana and then split into two different groups, the Mountain Crow and the River Crow. The Crow tribe made allies with Kiowa and Kiowa Apaches that where around the same area The Crows where in. The Crows are known for there skills with horses, however they did not always have horses and would hunt on foot and would use dogs to pull goods. Horse herds started to grow fast but the winters kept them small. The Crows would breed these horses and sell them. Many times the Blackfoot Confederacy would raid the Crows for their horses. Later the Blackfoot Confederacy would become the biggest enemies to the Crows.
Most of the men of the tribe sent out one day trying to make peace with another tribe. Dances with Wolves was assigned to watch the chief’s family. While the men were gone, the tribe was attacked me other Indian’s. Dances with wolves provided rifles to the Indians who were there and they defeated the other Indians.
The American territory was sprawling across the Mississippi River and into new Native American territory. The Great Plains and far West were occupied by both Indians and Hispanics whose custom and way of live were distinct in language religion and kinship and governance. The white settlers and hunters were a threat to the resources in which they used for survival.
The Navajo Tribe was a very interesting tribe. They had many things on their camp. The tribe also had a very well set up government and a strict set of rules. They had everything set up kind of like we have our society today. Starting with their social organization.
The Comanche Tribe is made up of brilliant horsemen who took control of the Southern Plains. They are most known for playing a large role in Texas frontier during most of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Although the Comanche’s lived near the upper reaches of the Platte River in eastern Wyoming, they later established themselves from western Oklahoma to the Texas Panhandle into New Mexico. Today, currently 5,000 Comanche’s live near Lawton, Oklahoma; their tribal headquarters.
The Cheyenne tribe were a powerful, resourceful, tribe of the Great Plains. They fought against the Americans when they went to take their land. Within their tribe there were very powerful role model like figures. Some of these leader like figures were Chief Roman Nose and Little Rock. All of the Native American tribes seemed interesting to learn about, but the Cheyenne tribe had a certain charm and dedication to their tribe that none of the of the other tribes seemed to have from the outside looking in.
I am a part of the dance tribe, the I need a watch tribe, the drama tribe, no ponytail tribe, I should probably learn to read and write in Chinese tribe, the sugar tribe, the fashion tribe, and the crazy tribe. I am a part of the dance tribe because I've been doing dance since I was 5-6 in China. It has been a part of my life for a very long time and I enjoy taking classes and performing dances. Currently, I am taking acro and technique because I want to focus on the fundamentals and not a specific style. The next tribe I'm in is the I need a watch tribe because I always ask people what time it is every 5 minutes and people get very annoyed. I am also in the drama tribe, for I love acting and drama. It is always fun for me