
Dance Physics Laws

Decent Essays

This report will be focusing how some physics laws apply on the sport of figure skating.

Friction is “the force that opposes the motion of an object.” (
For figure skates to be able to glide across the ice, the ice needs to be almost frictionless.
There is a thin layer of water on the ice rink that is formed when the blades glide over ice (blades melted ice as heat generated) which acts as a lubricant in between the ice and blades of ice skates; giving very little resistance to skaters. If there wasn’t a thin layer of water on the ice, it would be like skating on concrete.
An ice resurfacer (aka zamboni) is usually used to achieve this. It covers ice with a thin layer of water which will eventually freeze and form a smooth layer of ice, which will reduce friction between the blade and ice. …show more content…

This is also to reduce the amount of friction as there is only little surface area. If the blades were wide (bigger surface area) it would increase friction which would make it difficult to glide on ice.
However, friction is needed for skaters to be able to move as the Newton’s 1st law states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by a force (inertia). They can create friction with their blades. When they push off against the ice, they move the opposite direction that they push, so they can move across the ice. Newton’s 3rd law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite

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