
Daily Loud Music Exposure Effect

Satisfactory Essays

Title: Daily Loud Music Exposure's Effect on Your Hearing

Question/Problem: Who has the higher hearing capacity, people who are exposed to loud music daily or people who are not exposed to loud music daily?

Hypothesis: People who are exposed to loud music at least once every day in day to day life will have lower hearing capacity percentages than those who are not exposed to loud music at least once daily in day to day life.

1 iPhone
1 pair of Apple EarPods
Mimi Hearing Test App
2 girls exposed to loud music at least once daily
2 girls not exposed to loud music at least once daily

Download the Mimi Hearing Test app and open the app.
Plug in your EarPods and go into a quiet room.
Click start test, make sure your volume …show more content…

On the next screen, click the middle of the screen to see your hearing capacity percentage results.
Document your percentages for each ear in a table. Then, test the others in your group by scrolling across the screen to the right and clicking test someone else.
Document the other percentages from the other people being tested.
Analyze your results. See who had the highest percentages. (Higher percentages are best!)
Chart your results in a bar graph to compare the data more efficiently.

Groups and Variables:

Control Group: People who are not exposed to loud music at least once a day in daily life.

Experimental Group: People who are exposed to loud music at least once day in daily life.

Manipulated Variable: Loud music exposure daily Responding Variable: Hearing capacity percentages from the Mimi Hearing Test

Controlled Variables: Gender of people being tested, age of people being tested, iPhone used for the test, EarPods used for the test, test used, time of testing, amount of noise level in …show more content…

Our hypothesis was “People who are exposed to loud music at least once everyday in day to day life will have lower hearing capacity percentages than those who are not exposed to loud music at least once daily in day to day life.” We discovered when analyzing our data that our hypothesis was correct because the hearing capacities of the exposed girls were lower than that of the unexposed girls.

Due to the fact that listening to loud music daily can damage your hearing severely, we believe this is why the girls who listen to loud music had the lower hearing capacity percentages than the girls who do not listen to loud music.

There were not any errors that occurred in our procedure. If we did the experiment again, I would change where we did the testing due to the refrigerator in the testing room causing somewhat of a distraction due to emitting noise. The refrigerator did not affect the data, as we could still hear the test and the refrigerator was making the same amount of noise during each

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