While sobering, during the beginning years of the Sondergerichte courts they “had a strong deterrent effect” on forms of opposition within the growing Reich. Though the German government worked to create facets of government for the purpose of lessening protest, that did not mean that the creation of labor, concentration and extermination camps were not also considered necessary.
As such, the Nazis in March of 1933, prepared to accommodate 5,000 Communists, Social Democratic lackeys and any person who was seen as a threat and established Dachau, the first camp in Germany. While the inaugural concentration camp within German borders, Dachau was also the first camp founded by the National Socialist Workers' Party, known as the Nazi Party, and the Nationalist People's Party which was dissolved on July 6, 1933. Heinrich Himmler, who at that point was only the Chief of Police in the city of Munich, described
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A systematic sweep across Germany gathered members from virtually every community with media sources endlessly reporting "the removal of the enemies of the Reich to concentration camps". This continued to foster fear and apprehension among the general population. As early as 1934 and 1935, media outlets were spreading jingles saying, "Dear God, make me dumb, that I may not come to Dachau." Only a portion of those held or killed in camps created by the Nazi regime where there for politically related reasons. Approximately 3.5 million Germans were held against their will in concentration camps and prisons alike, between 1933 and Germany’s defeat in 1945. An additional 80,000 German citizens were killed for their resistance to the new Nazi government, even after having served in the military,
Prior to Nazi rule, life in Germany had been subject to many hardships. The German People had been victim of
How did everything start at the holocaust, with the Jews already in the camps and having their population decrease since the beginning? Would you like to know, how it all started what was the cause to make it necessary for the Jews to be treated very brutale ? Here there will be information from the concentration camp ”Dachau” one of many concentration camps that were to mistreat all the Jews and forced them to do what they were told. You will learn how the inmates at Dachau concentration camp were treated ,how the other camps were different in some ways but similar in others,and the most important how it all started.
“‘Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions’” (Quotes About Holocaust, 1). The Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz was the brutal murder site of millions of innocent Jews and other perceived enemies of Germany. Here, death and suffering was the norm and there was no escape from the wicked acts of the Nazis until the prisoners’ long awaited liberation. However, Auschwitz changed the victims’ lives forever.
A concentration camp refers to a camp or closed area where people are detained under brutal conditions usually having no access to legal rights of arrest and imprisonment that would normally be accepted in a democracy. Concentration camps played a large part in the mass killing of Jews in Europe lead by Adolf Hitler. An example of a concentration camp is Dachau.
When the Nazi Party came to power in Germany, the members of the communist and socialist parties resisted its takeover. The Nazis sent most of them to concentration camps where they were considered ‘political prisoners.’ A prominent camp for political prisoners was Dachau.
<br>The Holocaust is the most horrifying crime against humanity of all times. "Hitler, in an attempt to establish the pure Aryan race, decided that all mentally ill, gypsies, non supporters of Nazism, and Jews were to be eliminated from the German population.He proceeded to reach his goal in a systematic scheme." One of his main methods of "doing away" with these "undesirables" was through the use of concentration camps. "In January 1941, in a meeting with his top officials, the 'final solution' was decided". The Jewish population was to be eliminated. In this paper I will discuss concentration camps with a detailed description of the worst one prior to World War II, Buchenwald.
The Holocaust was the elimination of millions of Jews. This terrible incident left many families and innocent people scarred. There were few survivors and most died in very harsh and cruel ways. Dachau Concentration Camp was a very cruel death camp where many Jews were executed during World War II.
Even after all the political opposition to the Nazis had been crushed, the gestapo enforced conformity at every level of German society. In the first days of the Nazi regime, thousands of prisoners were taken into “protective custody” and arrested and placed into a temporary concentration camp. The very first concentration camp was Dachau, established in 1933 and remained throughout the whole twelve years of the Reich. This camp served as a model for the SS controlled concentration camps and a training ground for personnel. The temporary camps were gradually put to other uses.
The first concentration camp was called Dachau, which was established in 1933 by the Nazis. The first prisoners were political opponents, not Jews. The first year of Dachau’s existence, there were approximately 4,800 prisoners. They were mostly German Communists, Democrats, or trade unionists. Generally, there were few Jews at Dachau. Although political opponents were still captured and put to labor, they started imprisoning people who the Nazis thought were different. Hitler wanted the perfect population: blonde hair, blue eyes, and no Jews. Later on, more and more facilities were being established. The number of Jews held captive in Dachau increased rapidly. Twenty two main camps were established with around one thousand two hundred
“…Imagine now a man who is deprived of everyone he loves, and at the same
On March 9, 1933, a few weeks after Hitler accepted force, the initially sorted out assaults on German rivals of the administration and on Jews broke out crosswise over Germany. Under two weeks after the fact, Dachau, the principal Nazi inhumane imprisonment, was opened. Arranged close Munich, Dachau turned into a position of internment for German Jews, Communists, Socialists, and liberals – anybody whom the Reich considered its foe. It turned into the model for the system of inhumane imprisonments that would be built up later by the Nazis.
In the early 1930s, the residents of the picturesque city of Dachau, Germany, were completely unaware of the horrific events about to unfold that would overshadow their city still today. The citizens of Dachau were oblivious that their city was going to become the origin of concentration camps and of the Holocaust, the mass murder committed by the Nazi s in World War II. Dachau Concentration Camp, which would soon be placed on the edge of their community, would serve as a model for all Nazi extermination camps. This perfect prototype of a Nazi killing machine has come to represent the start of the horror-filled Holocaust and the Nazi's determination to achieve a perfect society during World War II.
In the month of March 1933, one of the first camps, Dachau, was opened. Dachau was a concentration camp, or a prison camp maintained by the Third Reich, [the name for Germany when the government was controlled by Adolf Hitler]. Aside these concentration camps was two other types of camps; labor camps, and death camps. A main concentration camp was Theresienstadt. Theresienstadt was located in what is now known as the Czech Republic. More than 150,000 were kept there for months until being sent to their deaths in Treblinka and Auschwitz death camps. The people in
At first, the Nazis were only killing political opponents like Communists and/or Social Democrats, for which their harshest persecution was used. Many of the first prisoners sent to Dachau (The first official concentration camp opened near Munich in March of 1933) were communists. By July, the concentration camps run by the Germans held around 27,000 people in what they called “protective custody.” The Nazis had huge rallies and acts of symbolism such as burning of books by Jews. During the years of 1933 to 1939, the hundreds of thousands of Jews who were able to leave Germany got out quickly, but many were left behind, and they lived their lives in a constant state of uncertainty and fear. During the fall of 1939, Hitler started the so-called Euthanasia Program. The Euthanasia Program allowed Nazi officials to select around 70,000 German citizens institutionalized for mental illnesses or disabilities. These Germans were to be gassed to death. After prominent German
Dachau was said to be home to, in the words of Heinrich Himmler, ‘Political prisoners’, as well as all communist functionaries and the Reichsbanner (social democratic party, around during the Weimar Republic) and the Marxist functionaries. These where seen to be people who threatened the state. Hitler would have wanted to eliminate and threats to his rise to power, so sending them to a concentration camp seemed right. However, over time other selections of people where sent here, like Jehovah’s witnesses, romas, homosexuals as well as ‘asocial’ and repeat criminals. It was after the Kristallnacht that many Jews would arrive here. This information was retrieved from the USA holocaust memorial museum and has been deemed a reliable