The Department of Public Safety at Syracuse University is one of the most influential and important departments of the University. Besides the various academic departments, DPS controls the territory and ensures safety to students living here. Holding such an important position and being a department of such high authority and value, it is necessary for them to spread awareness, especially in an environment like college. DPS does this through various platforms. Through emails and notifications using the LiveSafe app, an update about a criminal activity in the area is always sent out. A great amount of information is also provided on their website, as well as brochures and flyers that are easily available throughout campus. This department is …show more content…
Image 1 and 2 are examples of an update that DPS posted about on the LiveSafe App. Updates on this application are instant, they notify me as soon as DPS posts them, therefore it is more convenient. Every update begins with the following lines; “For the protection and safety of SU students, faculty, staff and neighbors, the Department of Public Safety releases the following alert.” These lines indicate a pathos approach. The rhetor (DPS) is emitting slight emotions of fear and security to the audience (students). DPS is persuading students by spreading awareness and releasing an alert. In this case, DPS compiled information of three similar incidents and sent out one general update. It is important for them to accurately describe the situation and provide as many details as they can in order to notify students and spread awareness about potentially dangerous scenarios. The update begins with listings of the date, approximate time and location of the incidents. Following this, a simple, yet detailed description of the incidents are given. It is important for them to mention the tiniest things, such as the number of people involved, the color of the vehicle, the use of weapons as well as descriptions about the suspects. Looking at this example and all the factors tied together, a logos approach is also used here. It is necessary for DPS to use its authority and provide safety to students in any way that it …show more content…
Every single email and every app update is concluded using those rules. The second side of the DPS brochure also has a concise version of those guidelines. By publishing these rules, a pathos as well as a logos approach is used. It is these guidelines that are extremely important to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. It is these rules that help students when they are stuck in situations like these and serve as reminders for students to always be cautious and careful of their surroundings. From personal experience, I can definitely say that these have helped me. Reading about incidents like these, especially in your neighborhood, usually instill feelings of fear, worry, panic and anxiety. Therefore, a pathos approach, followed by a logos approach by listing the safety guidelines is used by DPS. These features are logical because they provide an outlet for students to approach if they need to as well as ensure safety and a sense of
What would be the potential needs of the company’s employees when receiving a message about this incident?
As covered in lecture, the e-text also stressed the importance of law enforcement operating with up-to-date with the technology. The e-text also discussed law enforcement at a state level. The North Dakota Public Alerts is a state agency as it serves to protect and aid the entire state of North Dakota, not just a specific jurisdiction of the state.
The general public is exposed to a relatively large number of crime incidences through news articles, whether online, are televised or on paper. Therefore it is vital to keep
The use of crime bulletins and other type of news divestment is very crucial, especially if a crime has been committed. The sooner the news of a crime or wanted person(s) gets out, the greater the possibilities of bringing the case to a close, or to solving the crime. It is also very important that the police departments communicate with other agencies to share information about specific crimes, modes operandi, or any other important information that may be crucial in developing leads to solve a case or even find missing persons.
In the deep piney woods of east Texas, there stands a school that has been around since the early nineteenth century, Stephen F. Austin State University. For all students, safety should be one of their most important priorities when picking a university or college. Stephen F. Austin State University, or SFASU, luckily has a well-organized and well informed website that offers all of its students important tips and procedures on what to do in case of an emergency. Though only a few handful of students know about the website because is not well publicized. This results in a large amount of students not knowing that there is a website that provides them with vital information on everything they need do to remain safe in the case of an emergency.
Still in control of television and their own company websites, they are no longer the sole controller of information. Per Mangeri, all organizations “must be sure to maintain the capability to communicate valuable information about evacuation, sheltering, and other important disaster response and recovery information to the entire community”. This statement previously meant the PIO would prepare to communicate in different contexts to the community. Now, it must also include various forms of social media being utilized by the different generations of media consumers. For example, most organizations have incorporated a social media component to their messaging. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have all become critical avenues to connect people with those delivering critical messaging. Facebook Safety Check is a program to help mitigate the panic that ensues during a crisis. Facebook users can now show themselves as being “safe” during an incident. This allows family and friends to be informed of their loved one's status without having to further burden the responding emergency services. In addition, the responding emergency services themselves can disseminate the desired information. This can vary from weather advisories to critical incidents. In addition, the Code Red System, available to first responder is an immediate reversal of the 911 system, which calls and notifies citizens
An in-depth analysis of the use of social media by the Boston Police Department following the Boston Marathon bombing shows a real-world example of how police can utilize the power of social media to share accurate news quickly while also answering questions, addressing concerns, and receiving tips (Davis, Alves, & Sklansky, 2015).
The tips act as a policy that recognize ongoing suspicious occurrences and advises students to always stay vigilant of their surroundings. The policy designates duty for the student to report suspicious behaviour, such as unauthorized personnel in unauthorized areas and abandoned parcels in unusual locations. The University of Toronto campus is a high-traffic area and any provided information can be helpful is preventing danger. Thus, the designation for students to report suspicious behaviour is reasonable. The policy prompts the concern of unknown people and objects through its representation of danger. On the contrary, students do not know every individual on the campus and it is unjustified to have a policy implying that every unknown person can act suspiciously. The policy suggests students should stray from their daily routine when they feel as if they are in danger. Students are encouraged to travel in groups as being alone increases vulnerability. Through representation, the university does not protect a vulnerable student. The university merely provides policies and tips for the vulnerable student and the onus is on the student to be educated with those policies. The policies exist for the students to use techniques to protect themselves against harm. It is the knowledge, knowing what action to take, which is their best bet on
In this essay I will discuss Anscombe’s argument for the conclusion that the state’s authority is justified when it is performing tasks that are necessary and serve the people’s needs. I will then present an objection to the argument that the state’s authority can be justified. Lastly, I will demonstrate why this objection is not sufficient to reject Anscombe’s argument and conclusion.
They should also be made aware of things that are happening around them in their community. I'm sure there is more that can be done then what I listed, but if I can't remember more, I doubt that they can remember any. Naturally, out of fear, students will do what it takes to protect themselves, and that could lead to more harm than good. While some posters may not impact many of our residents and students, because there aren't the targeted community, there are some here that may be scared for their
If the student body and faculty are not trained for such scenarios, how can they protect themselves? If campuses can’t effectively and efficiently communicate with students or faculty regarding emanate danger to their community how can they be protected? Another outlet would be to provide a mechanism for students and faculty to submit information on suspicious behavior, threats or emanate situations that arise. The communication line should not be a one-way event. As an example, Bob Harkins asserts, “The University of Texas has a system that can send text messages to 68,000 students, faculty and staff within three to four minutes” (para. 9). Just as the campuses need to reach out to the broader community our student and faculty’s communication must reach the appropriate administration just as effectively. Nationally programs need to be funded to protect campuses at all levels. This would mitigate colleges from negating better security measures because they can’t offset spend on their budgets.
As I headed to the Infirmary, one thought in particular appeared in my head. Without knowing it, I stopped shortly and whispered " This was all because of me,... I can't even figure out my own emotions." As I walked along, I thought about some alternatives.
Store style that may be each visually enticing to customers, and designed for quick and economical operations.
Every school should have ways for students to report anonymously any issue, including those involving gangs, and local law enforcement should be involved appropriately for any situation which may endanger students (Gass & Laughter, 2015). Critical incident plans, for situations such as shootings or armed students, should be made in advance and rehearsed by faculty and staff at regular intervals. Each campus should also have dedicated entry and exit controls to regulate and monitor students and visitors at the school (Gass & Laughter,
Throughout the year I also worked on several joint investigations with the college admin staff. I consulted about several incidents, providing guidance to the college staff and went over the current laws/case law and trends that we see in the police department. A number of investigation resulted in the arrest and suspension of several students, the investigations ranged from felony menacing, arson, burglary, false reporting, unlawful possession of a Schedule I, forgery, theft, and trespassing. CSPD# 14=33840, 14-39059, 14-38811, 14-49158 14-42299, 14-28740, 14-29855, 14-29672, 14-05129, 14-40941, 14,42514, 15-09836, 15-13581,