
DOLS Assessment

Decent Essays

Brief history
Mr A lives in B house, his age has not been given. The move according to what is reported was well planned and he seemed not to have been forced or threatened. Mr A’s has his own room which is personalised and is homely. His family lives close by and visiting is being encouraged to maintain family links. Doors are left unlocked during the day but locked at night like any other family home. A has never attempted to live. Mr A is supported to meet all his social care needs and there are no concerns about his living arrangements and care.
Mr A is supported to access the community and attends a day centre 5 days a week. He is also supported to take part in other community activities including trips to the pub. This encourages social inclusion, promotes equality of opportunity and eliminates discrimination (Charity Commission website).
Although there is no mention of the condition he has, he has challenging behaviour which may require physical intervention and physical restrain, requires …show more content…

The information given suggests assessments have been made in the past. Normally a supervisory body can review a standard authorisation at any time if the managing authority or the Relevant Person’s Representative (RPR) requests one. In this case a full assessment has been requested due to disagreements about the deprivation of liberty between the managing authority and the supervisory body.
Mr A is living in a registered care home named B House. If this was an initial DOLS application the care home, which is referred as the managing authority would apply for authorisation to the supervisory body. Schedule A1 of the MHA (2007) stipulates that if the managing authority identifies that someone in their care is being deprived or will be deprived of his/her liberty within the next 28 days then they should apply for

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