
DBT: An Effective Way To Treat Addiction

Good Essays - Why DBT It An Effective Way To Treat Addiction
Drug addiction is a terrifying problem that impacts an ever growing number of people who suffer from borderline personality disorder. Statistics show that over 17% of people with borderline personality disorder suffer from a serious addiction. However, dialectical behavioral therapy or DBT is here to help people like you recover from both their borderline personality disorder and their addiciton.

How DBT Works
DBT is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy that is designed to help treat the behavioral problems that occur in people with borderline personality disorder. People with this disorder are marked by unpredictable behaviors, wild mood swings, and a difficulty …show more content…

Very effective. A study entitled “Dialectical Behavior Therapy For Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder And Drug Dependence,” published in a 1999 edition of the “American Journal On Addiction,” showed incredibly promising results from using this treatment method above typical treatment methods.

The study tested 28 women with both borderline personality disorder and drug addiction and split them into even groups: one that received traditional therapy and another that received DBT. They found that the drop-out rate in the second group was 36%, which was 37% lowered than the drop-out rate of the first group (73%).

Beyond this startling discovery, they also found that patients who received DBT significantly lowered their drug use and had an easier time adjusting to emotional difficulties and interacting with people socially. They suggested that DBT was an “effective treatment for severely dysfunctional drug-dependent patients.”

The Reasons It Is So …show more content…

Even more surprising is how effective it has been with drug addiction and other problems, such as domestic violence, anxiety, and even eating disorders like bulimia.

Although multiple studies have confirmed it, but it has left many people wondering why it is so effective? What is it about this therapy that makes it work so well for such a large number of people? The reason seems to lie in the way that it helps deal with emotional dysfunction. Simply put, problematic and harmful personal behaviors (like addiction) often stem from a deeply rooted emotional problem that can be hard for many people to

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