
D. Salinger's For Esmé-With Love And Squalor

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In the short story, ‘For Esmé – With Love and Squalor’ by J.D Salinger; we see how inhumane people can treat others in times of war, and that those who did not fight did not really understand the brutality of war. Throughout the story, J.D Salinger brings in his own ideas about the war that he fought and uses motif’s to show us how people viewed the war versus how he viewed the war. The main motif of the story is letters. At the very beginning of the story we hear about a letter that ‘X’ has received. In the letter, X’s mother-in-law says, “…to please send her some cashmere yarn first chance I got away from “camp”.” (Salinger, pg.8). In the tone of her letter, we can see that she does not really think that what X is doing is too hard. She assumes that he can pick up yarn for her at any time, and she calls the war “camp”, when it was not like summer camp at all. …show more content…

The way that Salinger uses tone again in this letter shows us that X’s brother does not understand what he has been through. By saying that X would probably have a lot of time to pick up bayonets or swastikas, he shows us that he does not really understand the toll that the war has taken on X. He makes light of the situation and talks about the bayonets and swastikas like they are trinkets, things to be played around with. The brother is also a good representation of the general American population, who had no idea how bad war really

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