
Essay on Cystic Fibrosis

Good Essays

Cystic Fibrosis is a

disorder where the exocrine glands secrete

abnormally thick mucus, leading to obstruction of

the pancreas and chronic infections of the lungs,

which usually cause death in childhood or early

adulthood. Some mildly affected patients may

survive longer. Doctors can diagnose the disease

by testing the patients perspiration because people

with Cystic Fibrosis have high amounts of salt in

their perspiration. Those with respiratory infections

are treated with antibiotics, with aerosols that

relieve constriction of the airways and liquefy the

thick mucus, and by physical therapy to help

patients cough up the obstructing secretions.

Patients with pancreatic insufficiency can take

pancreatic enzymes with meals. …show more content…


sickle-shaped red cells interfere with normal blood

flow by plugging up small blood vessels.

Sickle-cell anemia occurs when an individual

inherits a sickle-cell gene from each parent.

Programs have been initiated to detect carriers,

who do not themselves show the trait; such

carriers are informed that a child resulting from the

union of two carriers runs a one in four risk of

having sickle-cell disease. Therapy for sickle-cell

anemia is largely symptomatic. Preventive

administration of penicillin to affected children by

the age of four months greatly decreases mortality

from infections. For this reason, routine screening

of newborns for sickle-cell anemia is currently

carried out in more than 40 states within the

United States. Down Syndrome Down Syndrome,

which used to be called mongolism, is a congenital

malformation accompanied by moderate to severe

mental retardation, is caused by a chromosomal

abnormality. People with Down syndrome are

often short in height and have a small, round head

with a high, flattened forehead and split, dry lips

and tongue. A typical feature is a fold of skin, the

epicanthic fold, on either side of the bridge of the

nose. The palms show a single transverse crease

and the soles have a straight crease from the heel

to the space between the first and second toes.

These people are also subject to congenital heart

defects and tend to develop leukemia. Their

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