
Cyrus Trask As A Monster In East Of Eden

Decent Essays

A truly significant monster present in East of Eden is Cathy, also known by the alias’ of Catherine and Kate. She is known as a “pretty woman” whose “lies were never innocent” and who has been involved in many disturbing incidents, including the death of her parents, yet she still managed to leave a “sweetness behind her” no matter where she she was (72-73, 88). Because of her immoral actions, Cathy can be identified as many labels: a murderer, a manipulator, a liar, and most of all, a fraudulent wife and a vindictive mother. Her cruelty is conspicuous to others, in fact, it makes people feel utterly “uneasy” and unsafe in her presence (73). She lives up to the paragon title of having though a perfect face and body, she has “malformed soul” …show more content…

The patriarchs, Samuel Hamilton and Cyrus Trask are polar opposites. Samuel, the humble father figure with “gaiety”, is known to be very skilled and naturally talented, yet unfortunate when it comes to business and wealth, which he has “no gift” for (8,10). He is taken advantage of often. Contrastingly, Cyrus Trask is a “vigorous” individual who has had to work for most of his abilities in life, being handicapped with one wooden leg, and deceive others with falsified war experiences to obtain his other advantages, but he is strict, self assured, and holds a superior presence full of “vitality and swagger” amongst others (15,16). Both men are similar in that they have specific expectations for their children and a secure way they each want to raise them. Cyrus wants to raise his boys tough and hard-headed and has desires of no other “career for his sons except for the army”, while Samuel chooses to raise his kids amiable and hard-working, just like himself (19). Both families are two vital pieces of a puzzle and perspire the moral that life must always maintain a balance of good and evil despite one’s efforts of eliminating one or the …show more content…

Characters who feel unloved, such as Charles Trask, find love, or a substitute for such a fulfilling emotion, in their actions and commitments. Charles metaphorically puts his blood, sweat, and tears, into taking care of the farm to the best of his ability and making sure it grows prosperous. He has never cared to be more dedicated to anything else in his life. With exerting all of his time and energy into maintaining the family land being a priority to Charles, a sense of confusion came to Adam. He could never display the same dedication nor understand the purpose of Charles’ undertaking. Though Charles’ work implements a mental duty and physical exploit, he finds a replacement for the more intimate virtues of love within his visits to the whorehouse. Here he carries out his sexual desires in the “anonymity of the prostitute” completing the final step in pursuing the closest thing he can get to the thorough experience of love (44). Love, an abstract form of affection, is unobtainable for Charles due to his “timid[ity] of girls” and intense fear of a “possible turndown” by a woman further preventing him from finding a true soulmate or a fitting wife

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