
Cyp 3.1 Cognitive Development

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The cognitive development is where the child figures out how everything is organized. The children are learning how to learn and involves activities that include thought process, problem solving, decision making, and memory. When the child is about two and four months old they should begin to follow things with their eyes, pay attention to face expression, respond to affection, recognize familiar people from a distance, reach for things and let the parent or care giver if they are happy, sad, by crying or showing fuzziness. As a parent it is important to pay attention to the way the baby cries. This way the parent can figure out what the baby needs or what they like or dislike. Playing peek a boo is also a fun way to teach the baby that something still …show more content…

They begin to point to things that they want and are able to follow simple directions. They are also able to scribble and point to one body part such as the nose. Something that a parent can do with their child at this age is to allow the child to pretend play this way they are able to play and take a role of something such as a doctor, or a mom. A parent should be using simple and clear words so that the child can follow directions or simply describe things and what the child is asking for. Parents should also encourage the child to play with blocks and puzzles. By the time they are four and five years of age they should have already gained more cognitive skills like; naming colors, understand how counting works, draw a person with a few body parts, can make predictions about a simple book, knows about everyday things such as money, time, and food. For a parent to expand their cognitive development it’s essential to get them involved in the community and explore their interest. Also allowing the children to read a book just by looking at the pictures. This way they are able to retell the story. Finally teaching them the days of the week, months, and time of day so they begin to get an idea of their daily

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