
Cyclohexene Lab Report

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A) cis-1,3-butadiene + ethene (heat) -----> cyclohexene B) ethene + ethene (heat) -----> cyclobutane In order for reaction to occurs, the LUMO of a certain molecule has to react to a HOMO of the molecules since LUMO accepts electrons whereas HOMO donates electrons. In order for the reactions to be favourable to one another the energy difference between the LUMO of a molecule and the HOMO of another molecule has to be small this will then lead to a formation of a sigma bond between both molecules. This is based on whether the molecules are asymmetrical or symmetrical. Calculations of the reactions of the HOMO and LUMO can be calculated to see which reactions are more favourable. A) cis-1,3-butadiene + ethene (heat) -----> cyclohexene • HOMO

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