With everything in society advancing rapidly, it should be of no surprise that technology is now used to commit crimes against other people. Those crimes include identity theft, stealing money, illegal gambling, and cyberstalking. This paper will review cybercrime and the differences there are from traditional crime and it will review the purpose of hackers. There will also be three cases reviewed to help bring light to what kind of cybercrimes are being committed around the world.
Differences between Cybercrime and Traditional Crime
For an individual to fully understand the difference between cybercrime and traditional crime, the individual needs to understand what
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Upon his release in 2000, he was restricted from using any communications technology which was more advanced than a wired home phone. Mitnick contested this ban and won. He now owns Mitnick Security Consulting LLC.
The RBS World Pay servers
WorldPay is a Payment Card Industry that helps businesses in payments processing. WorldPay headquarters is based in Atlanta, Georgia and have expanded globally in London, Belfast, Edinburgh, Gateshead, Sweden, Singapore, Montreal and a few other countries. WorldPay payment processing service enabled businesses to accept payments from customers from different payment types such as, Visa, MasterCard, discover, American Express, debit and gift cards, checks, Electronic benefits Transfer, and direct debit. The WorldPay hacking was considered the most sophisticated attack so far in history. In November 2008, According to Baker, Associated Press (2012) hackers infiltrated the RBS WorldPay servers and accessed prepaid payroll card numbers, cracked their encrypted pin codes, raised the balances on the cards and distributed dozens of them to a team of people around the world. Within a matter of hours, the same group of hackers hit 2,100 ATM terminals in 280 cities around the world from the U.S. to Italy to Japan. FBI tracked down the hackers by narrowing down their suspects to one man who worked for the company and his name is Oleg Covelin. After he found a vulnerability in the computer network that RBS WorldPay
new advances in the electronic technologies during the past decades have administered a new wealth of criminal activity. Software like Computer viruses, malware, software privacy, spam and etc. Technologically savvy artist replicate websites, so when a person's online activities occurs in a virtual world it can be compromised.Many times Cyber intrusions rely on human interaction and it often involves tricking people into breaking security procedures.
Cybercrime has experienced significant progress during recent years, as its advance is directly proportional with the advance of technology. In spite of the fact that the authorities devise new and better strategies to fight cybercrime, the fact that the number of people online is constantly increasing means that cybercrimes occur even more frequently. Dishonest people who seek opportunities have discovered how the internet stands as a perfect environment for them to commit crimes by taking as little risks as possible. Computer fraud generates a series of benefits for the person committing it, as he or she can either profit financially from the enterprise or can simply alter files in order for his or her image to be positively affected. Identity theft is a major form of cybercrime and it is essential for society to acknowledge the gravity of the matter in order to be able to effectively fight against criminals using it.
When talking about cybercrime, we need to understand why it has become a big issue and how it affects all of us and our daily lives. In today’s society, a considerable amount of our daily activities are done over the internet including some on public sites such as social media and others behind password protected portals such as our online bank accounts. We communicate, shop, socialize, and control or manage most of our devices over the internet. With all this information available via the internet it becomes a treasure chest for cyber criminals filled with valuable information that can be stolen. Cybercrime is a
Computer crimes and crimes involving the use of computers have become a fact in our world today. Crimes no longer involve just hackers seeking to make a name for themselves. We now store critical information for our lives on our computers, cell phones and tablets. Just as the average home user uses their computers for more and more of their daily activities, the same can be said of criminals. On our computers are our finances, schedules, contacts, addresses, pictures and videos, phone numbers, medical information, research and internet history. According to a 2014 McAfee report, their extrapolated, estimated annual cost to the global economy as a result of cybercrime is over $400 billion. (CSIS & McAfee, 2014) Additionally, crime does not just
Computer crimes are criminal activities, which involve the use of information technology to gain an illegal or an unauthorized access to a computer system with intent of damaging, deleting or altering computer data. Computer crimes also include the activities such as electronic frauds, misuse of devices, identity theft and data as well as system interference. Computer crimes involve activities of software theft, whereas the privacy of the users is hampered. These criminal activities involve the breach of human and information privacy, as also the theft and illegal alteration of system critical information. The different types of computer crimes have caused the introduction and use of newer and more effective security measures.
Society relies heavily on technology for many things, but our use of technology opens us up to become victims of cybercrimes, like computer hacking. Hackers can be divided into three main categories: novice, intermediate, and elite. Hacking has been in the information technology (IT) field for a while. The first hackers appeared in the nineteen sixties and hackers have continued to make progress since then. People hack for a variety of reasons including ego, fun, knowledge, and profit. The first major hacking program, SATAN, caused controversy in 1995, and numerous hacking programs exist today. The future of hacking looks bright because people will only continue to rely even
The internet has brought upon a new revolution of global interconnection where contacting someone on the other side of the world is just a click away, but with this international phenomenon comes an increased susceptibility with unfamiliar technology. Internet crime is compiled of all non-physical crime with the aid of a computer. Although broad in definition internet crimes are largely composed of acts such as cyber fraud, ‘phishing’ (username and password hacking), cyber stalking and hacking. Internet crime does not pose an overwhelming issue in society in terms of its
In the early days of computing, a hacker was primarily referred to as a computer guru, someone who is extremely technical with a high expertise in computer also known as “Expert Programmers”. Nevertheless, as technology is advancing at a face pace, hacking has adopted a completely different definition. The modern definition is someone who access a computer system primarily to steal or destroy information. Hacking has caused major harm in the realm of technology. Over the years, hackers have become much more lethal in their craft. They manage to break into complex information systems from entities such as banks, government agencies, and private businesses. Furthermore, they often manipulate their victims through social engineering in order to obtain financial benefits. Hackers hold different label such as: black hat hacker and white hat hacker in which all have their own motives.
Hacking is a type of cybercrime that is majorly propagated through the internet. The propagators of this vice always take advantage of security lapses within the different systems. The reason for hacking is to allow access to a particular information that is considered private. This paper delves in assessing the morality of hacking with respect to the different cyber laws. Moreover, it utilizes the case study of Gary McKinnon to put the topic into perspective. The two sides of this case study are explored in details in the subsequent paragraphs. On one hand, it involves highlighting the reasons in support Gary McKinnon’s innocence. On the other hand, it elaborates the different reasons to show that Gary McKinnon breached the
In a world where information and communications technology (ICT) that provides the mode so people can work with each other electronically in a digital form over large distances, cyber threats and crimes are of great concern. Computerized technologies are implemented to improve and enhance the efficiency of creative and working processes in every facet of life and the world of cybercrime is no exception.
Computer hacking generates a lot of controversy these days. Hacking involves the use of computer skills to penetrate a network or a computer mostly to obtain protected and sensitive information. Computer hackers are generally of two types - white hat hackers and black hat hackers. White hat hackers use their computer skills for constructive purposes while black hat hackers use their skills for nefarious activities. To prosecute black hat hackers, different countries have put in place special IT law provisions.
When firms like Home Depot and Target invests a lot of financial and non-financial resources to curb the menace, one is left to wonder why such vices continues to affect them and their clients. Hacking of companies in the United States have reached a sky high and notable names in the industry have been affected by the vice. The firms like Home Depot, JPMorgan, Michael, Nieman Marcus and Target, have had its share of this vice. The United States Postal Services have not been left behind also, because it was also affected by the hackers ( 'Cybercrime a
In this essay I will try to discuss about computer crime and hackers and how the society should take measures for the protection of individuals and organizations. This paper is a report of what I have discovered in the early stages of hacking. I have concentrated my attention in answering some questions such as: what is hacking, who are the hackers, what motivates them and what is the future of hacking. I give also some useful details about computer crime especially its definition and some important categories of it. In the second section, I will try to cover some issues such
This paper is a report of what I discovered about hacking, and subsequently a report about my research. I focused my attention on answering some key questions such as: what is hacking, who are the hackers, what motivates them, why is hacking dangerous, and what is the future of hacking. I also give useful details about computer crime especially its definition and some important categories of it.
The fight against hackers and cyber crime is a global problem and nationally and internationally, the threats they caused have been recognized and acknowledged.