
Cyber Surveillance And Cyber Security Monitoring

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“Cyber analytics is a branch of analytics that systematically provides the analysis of the data pertaining to the domain of computers and network. It basically, tells the story behind cyber data. Cyber analytics is used to support computer security, computer or network administration, auditing, and several other application areas.”
Cyber Security Monitoring
To perform adaptive cyber-security analytics using a computer implemented method that includes receiving a report on a network activity, It works as follows, a scoring method is used wherein a score responsive to the network activity is calculated. The score indicates a likelihood of security breach. This score is validated and the scoring model is automatically updated, responsive to the results of the validation. If the score falls within a threshold value of a security violation rule, the network activity is reported as suspicious. This basically relates generally to cyber-security monitoring, and more particularly to monitoring incoming security events to determine if any activity is violating security rules.
Current approaches for cyber-security monitoring can be divided into two broad categories:
• Targeted event-based detection:
1. It involves the creation and maintenance of a set of event which are used to identify activities which are suspicious, which might violate security rules. Example: pattern-based antivirus engines and Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS)
2. It produces

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