
Cyber Bullying And Its Effect On Today 's Youth

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Studies have shown that cyberbullying incidents have quadrupled in the last five years.

Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. It is despairing to turn on the news

everyday and watching reports going on about bullying and the number of suicides such

has lead to. “ Love is Louder” has been a phrase commonly used by celebrities to send out

a message not only to fans but to humanity proving that bullying is not righteous and should

not be tolerated. The more the communication through technology expands and widens, the

more bullies torture their innocent victims. The fact is that technology is somehow not being

used for the precise matter, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyber-bullies

injudicious actions. Cyberbullying is becoming a radical obstacle and we all need to do our

parts to building a mindful perspective of what can be done to stop cyber-bullies ones in for all. Cyber-bullies will continue to be a threat to today 's youth until we take preventative

measures against them. Before terminating cyberbullying we must first perceive why and

how a cyber bully works. After researching and analyzing explanatory articles on such topic,

this research paper aims to inform and answer the following questions: What a cyber-bully Nunez 2

is, how they work, whom they target,

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