
Cutting Is A Form Of Self-Harm

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Cutting yourself is something most people would never even think of doing, but for others, cutting may be done on a regular basis and could be considered a form of addiction. Cutting yourself may start off being an impulsive response to anger, frustration, or some other emotional feeling that you may be feeling, but often turns into a compulsive behavior that seems impossible to stop. Self-harm or cutting is more common than people may think. It occurs when no one else is around and most people will hide the marks under clothing or jewelry. It is not something as visual as someone with a drug or alcohol addiction.
Cutting is a form of self-harm and physical pain that is done to reduce or relieve emotional pain that someone is feeling. This is done by purposely by breaking the skin and making it …show more content…

They just need relief. However, people who do cut on a regular basis, can fall into suicidal behaviors. Each cut a person makes, the body instantly releases a specific flight-or-fight chemical that remind the body that something bad or wrong is happening, and that action is needed immediately. The brain automatically pays attention to these signals, and in time, some brain cells may become attached to these chemical markers. It’s a form of addiction, and people who develop this syndrome may begin making bigger and bigger cuts just to feel the same rush as they had felt previously. The scars from the cuts remain causing unrepairable damage to a person’s body, but the highs come and go as with any form of addiction. It is no different than someone who takes drugs. Eventually, they may feel the need to take larger and larger doses, until they overwhelm their bodies with drugs and they simply stop breathing. Addictions, whether behavioral or some form of substances or both, can result in death and for that reason alone, they cannot be

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