
Customer Relationship Strategies For The Restaurants Essay

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• Ensure the food is comparable to other restaurants in the same price bracket
• Have a clean and presentable décor in line with market established expectations of French restaurants.
• Create a uniform clothing standard for all front and rear staff suitable to their positions. I.e. a suit for the Maitre d’, white collar shirt and black pants and shoes for waiters, chef garb from chefs etc.
• Staff hiring and selection process focus on hiring those with the best ‘heart’ concerning delivering customer services, rather than focusing on the most experienced.
• Adequate and ongoing training is provided to staff that reflects the restaurants understanding of its customers’ expectations.
• The staff should be briefed and be able to explain the restaurants branding strategy.
• Staff should be able to describe in detail the menu and understand how the ingredients work together to create a dish.
• Horizontal communication pre and post shift meetings should be held with staff to discuss important matters regarding service and customer interactions.
The beginning of a positive customer relationship is the delivery of good core services that meet the customer expectations and provide the customer with the perceived value that the restaurant promotes, i.e. as a French Restaurant, high quality meals, silver service etc is expected.

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