
Custom Essay: The Role Of Portia In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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One woman. One woman in literature. One woman in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar put to shame what men call rhetoric. She spoke with strength and a certainty unusual for her sex, and her sage advice could have saved an empire. This woman, Portia, the wife of the well-known Brutus, plays a massive role in Shakespeare’s play, not only as an example of rhetorical genius, but as one of wisdom and prudence. With the outrageous malice of Caesar’s assignation and the following anarchy and bloodshed for all parties, Portia stands as a representation of order and uprightness. Thus, in Julius Caesar, Shakespeare establishes the voice of prudence through Portia and her use of the three aspects of rhetoric: logos, pathos, and ethos.
Utilizing the three principles of rhetoric, Portia adeptly makes her case before Brutus, establishing her constant …show more content…

In the dank of dawn, Brutus paces his orchards, wrestling between the love and trepidation he bears towards Caesar, and sensing this restlessness, Portia confronts him about this unusual behavior. Quickly disposing of his meager replies of ill health, Portia shows the absolute absurdity of his logic, for Brutus would only further his sickness should he “steal out of his wholesome bed, to dare the vile contagion of the night and tempt the rheumy and unpurged air” (2.2). This clearly evinces Portia competence with regard to logic as she slowly draw Brutus out by first disproving the small and seemingly insignificant arguments. Furthermore, Portia entreats the love and sentiments of Brutus, charming him by her “once-commended beauty” and by all his “vows of love and that great vow which did incorporate and make them one”

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