
Curley's Wife Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the characters lash out and demean other weaker characters to regain social power when they themselves have insecurities. As a matter of fact, this is portrayed in the passages between 80-82 when Curley’s wife says, “’Well, you keep your place then, nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny’” (81). When all the male workers gang up on her and make her feel uncomfortable and insecure, she lashes out at Crooks because he is black (less privileged) to regain power over him to raise herself socially. Even though she is a woman, she still is more socially accepted as a white woman than Crooks as a black man so she was able to uplift herself over him to regain power by demeaning him for his disadvantages. …show more content…

In like manner, Candys’ wife yelled at Candy and exploited his lack of a voice in decision making to make him feel lesser and make her seem more socially influential. Equally important, when she questioned Lennie about his bruises, “Lennie looked up guilty, ‘Who me?’” Then Curleys’ wife replied, “‘Yeah, you’” (80). Important to realize that Curleys’ wife had figures out that Lennie had got those bruises in a secret physical altercation, she makes herself seem more authoritative and dominant by bringing up something distressing to Lennie, especially since he knew she wasn’t supposed to know he got these marks in a fight. In final analysis, when the characters feel insecure they will take advantage of others’ weaknesses to make themselves seem more

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