It is hard to have a single definition of the term culture. Different people have their understanding of culture. According to my understanding, culture can be defined as people 's way of life. This includes their values, customs, beliefs, languages as well as traditions. In general, the concept of culture is well reflected in the history of people, their heritage and how they express their ideas as well as their creativity. The culture of a particular group of people can be used to assess the quality of their life, their vitality and the health of that society. Through culture, people can develop their sense of belonging, their personal and cognitive growth and their ability to empathize and relate to one another (Smith, P. 2001, 25).
According to one of the postings, culture is a system of skills that is shared by a large group of people. It refers to the cumulative deposit of beliefs, knowledge, values, experience, attitudes, religion, meanings, material objects among other things (Myers, F. 2002, 217). From another posting, culture has been defined to be the collective patterns of behaviors and interactions, the cognitive constructs, as well as the affective understanding, which are learned through the socialization process. These patterns are used to identify and distinguish members of different cultural groups from others.
Despite the definitions, culture plays an important part in our daily lives. There are many benefits of vibrant and strong culture.
A culture is a way of life. It can be described as a group of people who have a commonality or shared values in attitudes, customs, beliefs, ethics, and value systems (Native American Death Rituals). The main effect, or thing that makes a culture
A culture is the body of ideas, ways of looking at the world, values, and standards for conduct and behavior that a given people or nation hold in common. It includes the range of meanings that people assign to their own perceptions and behavior, as well as to the natural world around them. We can define the elements of that culture, and understand how they fit together as a culture, by examining that people's customs, language, religion, material artifacts, and social and political institutions.
What does culture mean to you? Culture is the arts and manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Culture is you and the background you came from.It’s anything that describes you family,traditions,and music.
I believe culture is the attitudes and feelings a group of people share. Culture can include practices like rituals and customs like religion. It is how you eat, drink, and speak. Culture can be either tacit or explicit. Tacit is very much like an unspoken behavior, it is something people lack words for. Explicit culture can be spoken or written. No matter what category culture falls into it truly makes us different from one another. It is everywhere shaping people all around the world every day.
Culture: Culture refers to values, languages, symbols, norms, beliefs, expectations that members of a group possess and the good things they produce and use in their life. Culture is the thing that all the members of a group or society follow.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines culture as “the beliefs, customs, art etc. of a particular society, group, place or time” (Culture, n.d.). Cultural norms vary around the globe, which can make the global business
My definition of culture is your environmental and social background peered with your experiences. Culture is an essential ingredient in forming identity and self-awareness. The environment can create One's culture that they reside in, the way they are raised, or a collective of blended surroundings.
What is culture? Culture is something you and a group of people share that are similar to one another. A culture is a way of life for a group of people and their behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them. The language we speak, the art, literature, and the heritage we are proud of, our food, our festivals, and our customs and traditions together form our culture. They
Culture is defined as a whole basis of knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, and customs that define a person or group of persons. Culture differs is so many ways and that culture is what defines each of person as an individual. This concept comes from the cultural that was taught and developed from after birth and through our adolescent years. Our culture is the foundation of who we are. It identifies the lifestyle and pursuits that are practiced in the group of people we interact with in our society. Culture beliefs, values, and practices are learned from birth.
According to the Webster’s New College Dictionary culture is defined as 1.) The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought typical of a population or community at a given time. 2.) A style of social and artistic expressions peculiar to a class or society. 3.) The predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize a group or organization. (Webster’s New College Dictionary)
The concept culture have some difficult meanings. One of them is culture as in music, preforming, theatre and so. The other meaning of it is culture as in Peoples Identity. It tells something about who you are, where you come from, and what you believe in, in this way, we can see that People
Culture is a way of life. It can be defined as a group of people linked by geographical location, ethnicity, gender or age. Culture can be reflected through language, clothing, food, behavior, spirituality and traditions. The behavioral patterns developed through culture are difficult to change.
A culture can be defined as a way of life of a group of people- their behaviors, beliefs, values that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. It also includes the customs, arts, literature, morals/values and traditions of a particular society or group (Virginia Encyclopedia). Culture can also be considered as a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in places or organizations. This topic is of huge importance to our society mainly in the state of
Historically created solutions: “culture is the conscious and unconscious content that a group learns, shares, and transmits from generation to generation that organizes life and helps interpret existence” … “culture is the distinctive life…way of people who are united by a common language” … “the sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguish one group of people from another. Culture is transmitted, through language, material objects, rituals, institutions, and art from one generation to the next.” These definitions revolve around this definition: “culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” People are born into culture, not with culture. Culture provides access to historically created, time tested solutions. for effective living that have been transmitted over generations.
Culture can be defined in many ways due to the fact that everyone can have their own distinct and traditional beliefs and values. “ Culture is fluid, it is not a static entity which one takes out of the box on occasion. It is with us daily” (Cultural Handout). Someone’s culture is set as the characteristics of the group practices in language, religion, types of food, social traits and habits, and the distinct arts and music. There are a variety of different cultures for example, Western Culture, Eastern Culture, Latin Culture, Middle Eastern Culture, and African Culture. All of these different cultures have their own ideas, values, and individualism, laws that are implied, civil rights, and even technology. In our, “ Culture Handout” culture is defined as the tool of the mind, “ it is an individual’s way seeing and interacting within the world. It encompasses one’s values systems, beliefs, and perceptions of the world around them. Race, socio-economic class gender, sexual orientation, ability, geographic location, age, religion language, etc. all impact the formation of culture, but these various context are not culture” (Cultural Handout).