
Cultural Identity Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Category number 1- Culture and Race. In this category we first we have Mexico. Mexico is a place I am very familiar with well, mostly all my mom's side of the family is from Tepic,Nayarit. Nayarit has beautiful landscaping and also hard working people. I love going to Nayarit it's such a relaxing place. Nayarit mexico in general is something I identify with because whenever people ask me where i'm from I say Nayarit it's where I love to be and and I identify as “Cora”. Being Mexican is a big part of my identity. I am proud to be Mexican and nobody can take that away from me. Being Mexican plays a big role in my life from the way I talk, act, and the manners I have. Next we have being 15 as a Mexican girl turning is probably the most exciting year of your life when you turn 15 this is the time you transition from being a little girl to being a woman. At the age of 15 it's a tradition to have a huge party called a quincenera it's to publicly show your family, friends, etc. your transition. Another and final thing that represents my culture/identity is food. Food is a big thing that represents my culture and identity because as Mexican we are known for having tasty savory dishes, For example tacos, pozole, burritos, and many others. I think being able to cook these traditional dishes is very exciting for me because at times I enjoy cooking.

Category number 2- People/Things I care about. In this category we first have my beautiful loving family.Having a big family isn't

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