
Cultural Diversity: Discussion Topics

Decent Essays

1. Cultural Diversity
During class, we discussed the questions presented in the Cultural Diversity: Discussion Topics. The two questions that stood out to me is, “What is diversity?” and “Does a positive stereotype exist?” I have talked about these topics in many social work classes, but I did not understand how these topics effect businesses. My answer to the first question is diversity is a mix of cultures which includes ideas and beliefs occupying the same area. Without recognizing different cultures, business are not able to provide the best services and their production rate can decrease. The second question has multiple answer and none of the opinions are wrong. In my opinion, there is a such thing as a positive stereotype. However, the most important thing about stereotypes is to understand how stereotypes affect people. In business or social work a person who is not aware of their stereotypes can practice unethical behaviors. For example, not hiring someone because they are a …show more content…

151). Capitalism is the basis of the United States economy. An important part of capitalism is competition. Competition is important because it prevents monopoly and regulates businesses. Capitalism is interesting to me because of the base of competition. In the first class I took with you I wrote a paper about the hospital that changed to a competitive environment. The hospitals that changed to the competitive system became more efficient and the quality of services increased. Competition is important to create successful and efficient businesses. I believe that Capitalism can be an effective system but there are a few problems. Capitalism works best for people in the upper class, also the capitalism does not support small family

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