There is a vast variety of religions and cultures throughout the world. Knowing these different religions is beneficial to all healthcare professionals. It’s important to know because different religions and cultures have different, medical practices, beliefs, and you do not want be uninformed of these different religions and risk being disrespectful, or using medical treatment that goes against their religious beliefs or practices.
Jehovah’s Witness
Jehovah’s Witness was originally founded by Charles Taze Russell in 1872. He had trouble dealing with the idea of eternal hell. He also found proof, that disproved the idea of eternal hell, and the Trinity.
Jehovah’s Witnesses, believe that there is no Trinity. They believe that God is the Father,
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Gautama, later was known as “Buddha,” which means, “The Enlightened One.” Buddha was born into a wealthy royal family, but he left his family to find the true meaning of life. In his search, he realized that he cause of suffering was selfish human desire. The Buddhist religion does not actually have a god, Buddha was just enlightened. They have a philosophy of self-denial and meditation. They also live by, “In order to gain anything, first you must lose everything; Our pain is because of our attachment to things.” Members of this religion can become “Enlightened,” which occurs when a person gives up desires of the world. They also can reach a “Nirvana”-state(state of peace). They do not have a holy book, but they do follow the “Fourth Noble Truths;”
All is suffering
Suffering has a cause, which is desire
Suffering can be overcome
The way to end suffering is to follow the “Eightfold Path”
The “Eightfold Path” is something of a guidelines for Buddhists.
Right Understanding
Right Thought
Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood
Right Effort
Right Mindfulness
Right Concentration
Those are the eight different guidelines that Buddhist are expected, or advised to
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So, they would want to avoid messing with their state of mind, because they want/need to be in a calm or peaceful state of mind to have a better rebirth.
Joseph Smith was 14, and he was trying to find a church to go to. He wanted to know the full truth. He went to a grove to pray. He was was hit by a light, and Jesus and God stood. They told him that the other churches were not true. They also told him about the Golden Plates. Although, he was not allowed to get the PLatges, because he was tempted (by satan) to sell them, God and Jesus told him that in four years, if he is worthy, they would tell him where they are. When the four years were up, he was deemed worthy and told where he could dig up the Golden Plates. The Golden Plates are records of profits of old.
Every four years, Mormons have a pioneer trek. It’s a twelve mile hike, in which Mormons dress as pioneers, eat what pioneers ate and some ride in wagons. Mormons also have a general conference, twice a year. It’s actually broadcasted nationally on BYU, it’s where the leaders speak and give guidance to the
The central idea of this religion is living a happy and good life along with being a morally good person. The
Nurses have the responsibility of caring for a diverse group of people. These people come from different cultures, races, and religious backgrounds. Religion plays a major role in patient care and has for many years. Cultural competency is a major component of nursing practices. Understanding culture is imperative in knowing what is important to a patient and how to address his or her healthcare needs. Understanding culture is also important when determining what suggestions to make about interventions for treatment. Culture is defined as many people interacting and sharing with one another their patterns of behavior, beliefs and values (Burkhardt, G. & Nathaniel, A., 2014).
On March 26, 1830, the Book of Mormon was published to the public, available for purchase. Eleven days later, the Church was organized, in which, “The sacrament was administered, believers were baptized, the gift of the Holy Ghost was bestowed, and men were ordained to the priesthood.” ( Joseph Smith was established as the leader of the Church.
What this religion teaches is to find yourself as to become one with your soul and mind in all greatness. As to know the strength of your mind, and know
Led by Joseph Smith, the mormons were pilgrims moving from place to place. Their last settlement, before moving to Utah, was in Illinois. They arrived in Illinois in 1839, and settled the town of Nauvoo. Before long there was trouble and unrest between the mormons and their neighbors. This paper will investigate the reasons why they came to Illinois, examine reasons why they left, and consider the Mormon experience in Illinois.
Many years ago Jehovah's Witnesses numbers were way less than they are today. As of the year 2016 there are several million Jehovah Witnesses. The founder of this religion was Charles Taze Russell in 1872. They don’t believe in Jesus Christ and how he rose from his body. Jehovah’s Witnesses also do not believe in eternal damnation (also known as hell). The religion started out small and Russell preached his ideas. Once he had passed a man named Rutherford took over. He decided to name the religion Jehovah’s Witness. This branch of christianity used to consist of catholics or protestants before they converted to this branch. They don’t worship in churches. They worship in something called Kingdom Halls. It all started with the Bible Student
Jehovah’s Witnesses are a religious group that follows the Bible’s principles and uses them as a guideline in order to imitate Jesus -Jehovah’s Son- and serve
During the Second Great Awakening many Americans were stirred by passionate religious movements and Mormonism was one of them. Although it initially began as a revelation given to Joseph Smith, his strong beliefs led to powerful revivals in the New York area that drew people from across the northeast. Despite strong interest and numerous converters to the faith, the Mormon community would not remain in the New York area for long. Though they had an objective of spreading Mormonism throughout America and other parts of the world, this was only part of the reason for their move west. Religious persecution, government issues, spiritual revelation, financial problems, and land disputes ultimately led to their decision to settle in Utah.
It was in the year 1820 in Palmyra, New York that Joseph Smith went into a forest near his house and prayed to God for the knowledge of what religion he should be apart of. Suddenly God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to him giving him the faith that was lost so long ago to be carried on. He was now given the faith from Jesus Christ himself to pass onto others that had once been lost. Joseph Smith was chosen to restore the Church of Jesus Christ. In the next decade “Joseph Smith published the Book of Mormon, based on the golden plates that he said an angel had given him” (Ayers). Then started setting up the Latter-day Saints Church. He did this on April 6th, 1830, in New York. Joseph Smith was seen as the leader of the new faith of Mormonism.
I’m a Mormon. I Believe in marriage in the LDS Temple. I Believe I pay 10 percent of my earnings to the church also known as tithing. I Believe in being that I must get baptized at the age of 8, but if you were converted to the church, you can be older. I Believe that I am a Latter day saint of the church of Jesus Christ, but there is a lot of history to us, to make us form who we are today. For example, Brigham Young. He is one of the most important people to us. He helped make “The Book of Mormon.” He was also a apostle, he was also a prophet, a dad, a husband, and a bishop. But most importantly, he traveled from Salt Lake City, Utah, to all over NM, to Nauvoo, Illinois. He brought many Mormons, to basically make the city of Nauvoo, they
With 14 million followers, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a very interesting religion for many different reasons. Mormons, as they are commonly known, have an interesting origin, different traditions, and a fascinating founder. Mormonism is the term used for describing the practice and beliefs of followers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The core belief is that a prophet named Joseph Smith restored doctrines of the church to earth. Smith became the founder of what is now considered The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and widely followed. One of the ideas most central to the Mormons is their love for Jesus Christ, the savior. That idea is stated very well when Joseph Smith said, “The fundamental
Buddhism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. It is the oldest and fourth largest religion in the world with around 500 million followers. Buddhism focuses on teaching people how to come to terms with and end the suffering of themselves and others by cutting out greed, hatred, and ignorance from their lives. Unlike most major world religions, Buddhism does not revolve around worshiping a god or divine creator, instead the focus of Buddhism is living one 's best life and transforming the lives of others. The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to reach Enlightenment and upon death achieve Nirvana, the liberation of pain and suffering. For Buddhists, it is the individual’s responsibility to find his or her own path to enlightenment; the principles of Buddhism are seen more as guidelines than rules.
In The Book of Mormon, Jesus is said to have visited America and that America has an important role in Mormonism. They believe that when Jesus returns he will go to Jerusalem and then he will visit Missouri.
In this we can see that this religion's base can be found in positivity, they are centered around doing and saying things for the right reasons, moral reasons.
Buddhism is religion that is based off of peace and spirituality taught by the teachings of Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gotama. Many who follow its teachings believe Buddhism to be more of a way of life or lifestyle choice rather a religion. Buddha is not a god, but one man that taught his followers a path of enlightenment from his experiences and values. Buddha’s main teachings were the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. The Four Noble Truths were teachings about suffering, pain, disease, happiness, loneliness, and aging. It explained why we as humans can overcome certain obstacles in our lives by looking at the more spiritual side of things such as “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own