Cultural differences are interesting thing to learn. We can see some people’s culture similar to our and some people very different. My partner, Brook Deford, is an American student and he meets his family four times a year to have a dinner together. Christmas and Thanksgiving are the most special events for them and he goes to Orange County in Southern California to join the family dinner. They invite friends and neighbors and they have a typical American dinner such as pork chops with apple sauce and potatoes, sometimes barbecue or hamburgers. Same as in my family, usually, men do the barbecue, women make side dishes and everyone helps cleaning in the end. His dinner customs are very similar to mine culture. My family invite friends and we
Holidays are always celebrated no matter religion, beliefs, or culture. Some are recognized more than others but none two are as highly recognized like the cherished Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays. The pair may seem vastly different, as they are two completely separate occasions, but in actuality they do share very similar attributes. Many of the similarities and differences are about to be explained, so here goes.
It is the same thing as the other cultures such Chinese food, Japanese food and more with their own culture beliefs. In addition, The Intervention of the American Meal by Abigail Carroll gives an example of the American’s cultural tradition, Thanksgiving meal, as “their purpose is to enjoy this harvest meal together and, it being a time of war, to celebrate the country’s heritage of prosperity and freedom.” (pg.77). Thanksgiving is such a big part of American’s lives because it has been passed down from generation to generation as a day everybody gathers to have a meal together. This brings to the reason why dinner is so special compared to the other mealtime.
Christmas is a very special holiday in many countries including Spain and the United States. In the United States Christmas celebration traditionally starts after Thanksgiving. In Spain however it is not celebrated until Christmas Eve with their families.
How different are our Thanksgivings really? How many people do you know that do things differently than you for Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a time where you get your whole family together and spend time with each other. During your time together, you reminisce about hilariously weird memories and laugh at all of the amazingly fun times you guys have had together. Also, you feast and make more memories that you will have with you forever! When your with whoever’s house you go to, you get to be you and not worry about what anyone thinks because you know your family loves you the way you are.
Other families may celebrate by eating foods traditional to their culture. Some of my peers ate tamales and dumpling at their Thanksgivings. Other families do not cook at all, and simply go out to a restaurant to eat their Thanksgiving dinner. Others may simply have an odd dish, such as turducken or lasagna. Just as many people’s Thanksgiving would not be the same without turkey, their Thanksgivings would be very odd if they didn’t have these foods.
In my house hold, Thanksgiving is honestly not a “big deal”, but it is well cherished regardless. Family that I have living around the bay area would come to my house and would bring the sweet items. Items like pecan pie, cherry pie, carrot cake, and homemade cookies. I guess you could say that’s kind of a tradition of ours? The main cooking is left to my mom and I, that’s where we bring out the Turkey, sometimes we would fry it or just bake it regularly, the mac and cheese homemade with a different mix of cheeses, a potatoe casorle with egg, and a side of stuffing either stuffed into the turkey or baked outside the turkey.
The Wampanoag brought popcorn to the first Thanksgiving feast. Basically this myth means that on the first thanksgiving the Wampanoag brought popcorn to the first Thanksgiving. The truth about this myth is that they actually didn’t bring popcorn. There’s nothing true about this myth there’s the Wampanoag’s didn’t bring popcorn simple as that. It reveals that people are easily tricked if they believed this myth. And there mindset is easy to be changed.
The Thanksgiving and the Yuletide seasons are two of the top holidays where Americans get to meet their friends and relatives and share a moment or two over meals like turkey and pastries. As far as they were concerned, they do not seek to talk about politics since the seasons are all about enjoying each others company.
Hannah Arendt contradicts the popular notion that most Nazis are monsters. She exposes how some Nazis were common citizens blindly obeying the laws of the government. Additionally, she studies Eichmann, who is too stupid to be this evil mastermind, to reveal the unoriginal evil. Moreover, she sums up this conception in the phrase: the banality of evil. The banality of evil was able to flourish in the Third Reich, because it successfully changed the moral attitude of the country, established a government with a lack of questioning and created an obedient citizen.
While holidays have often been criticized as ploys to push consumerism on to the public, they have also been widely recognized as a reason for families to come together and interact with one another. These annual interactions often repeated certain behaviors, thus they serve as guidelines for how the family should operate during future holidays. To gain a better understanding on the connection between family identity and family rituals, I decided to interview my father on his Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve traditions. During my interview with my father I observed that the holiday rituals present within his family have contributed largely to the way he perceives his family identity. Through this paper I will be using content from the interview regarding traditions for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve, as well as other academic material to analyze how holiday traditions contribute to my father’s perception of his family identity.
Gout can be divided into two states which are acute gout and chronic gout. Researched found that there are several ways of treatment to treat each of them. From Schlesinger (2004), acute gouty attack nonpharmacological treatments such as topical ice and rest of inflamed joint are useful. NSAIDs are the favoured treatment in acute gout. The most imperative determinant of remedial success is not which NSAID is picked, but instead how soon NSAID treatment is started. Different medications incorporate oral and intravenous colchicine, intra-articular and systemic corticosteroids, and intramuscular corticotropin.
Christmas is the annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus on the 25th December, at least that is what it began as initially. Since it has expanded into an international phenomenon for consumption, taking priority over our everyday practices of life (Michel De Certeau, 1980). Our time we spend divided between work and leisure in accordance to the codes and conventions of society shifts, Christmas derails these expectations. Yet surprisingly Christmas gains little attention in terms of social research, despite the fact that it can be explored diversely. The inquiry ‘What is Christmas?’ links to multiple aspects of social research. The aspects of Christmas can be subdivided into the following; religion, commercialism, gift-giving, social relationships, sensualism and mythology. This essay will analyse these fundamentals of Christmas through both psychological and sociological perspectives, as the theories among these two social sciences are best suited to the elements which make up Christmas itself.
Christmas is a time for joy of the holiday season. Still many countries celebrate their Christmas differently. Take in mind Australia and America, two different countries across the globe from each other. Many people may want to see what’s different and the same about them.
Thanksgiving is one of America’s most treasured holidays and traditions. While there are some constants in the way we observe the day, it can mean different things to different people. The American Thanksgiving holiday began as a feast in the early days of the American colonies almost 400 years ago. In 1620, a boat filled with more than 100 people sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from England to settle in the New World. This religious group had begun to question the beliefs of the Church of England and they wanted to separate from it.
One of these is that on Thanksgiving everybody comes together to my parents’ house in New Jersey for a huge feast. On Christmas only my mother and the children (me and my brother) travel to Illinois to spend a week with my grandparents. On New Years Eve we all get together at my parents’ house in New Jersey and toast to the New Year with champagne and apple cider. During Labor Day weekend all of my family travels to South Jersey to my grandfathers’ condo. We usually spend all of our time on the beach and barbequing, except on Sunday when we go to church. After all, my grandfather is a minister. One of our biggest family traditions is going back to Puerto Rico. Every year my mother and I travel back to Puerto Rico for a portion of our summer vacation. Now that I am older I travel there more often and stay there much longer. My father never joins because he doesn’t like my mothers side of the father too much and he thinks that we when we speak Spanish we are all plotting against him. Of course that’s not true though. My bother doesn’t speak Spanish so he doesn’t like to go either. I guess that tradition is one that belongs solely to my mother and I.