
Cultural Bereavement And Cultural Identity

Decent Essays

The central topic of migration, cultural bereavement and cultural identity is “the complex interplay of the migration process, cultural bereavement, cultural identity, and cultural congruity, along with biological, psychological and social factors.”
The thesis of this article is how immigrants and refugees experience stress and mental health issues when permanently migrating to another country and how medical professionals attempt to identify and address the issues. When immigrants and refugees lack social acceptance, alienation, rejection and other adversities they are subjected to mental and psychological issues during the experience of migrating.
Migration, cultural bereavement and cultural identity is very convincing, compelling, and interesting. It has changed my outlook on immigrants and refugees. In my perspective I assumed that most immigrants and …show more content…

“Cultural bereavement, a paramount aspect of the migrant's experience, is influenced by, and mediated through, the interplay of the migration process, cultural identity and cultural congruity, along with biological and psychological factors.”-Bhurga & Becker. The evidence submitted from this article was a variety of studies. I find the studies to be somewhat biased and would have much rather enjoyed hearing from the clinicians who come in contact with the effect individuals. “In a review of multiple studies, Shah (17) found that common mental disorders were more prevalent in people of ethnic minority groups who lived in areas of low density of their own ethnic group. His findings showed that common mental disorders were at least as prevalent.” -Bhugra & Becker A testimony of what they see, hear, experience, and diagnosis would have been more beneficial to me. I also would have wanted to hear more from the people that this

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