
Cultural Background

Decent Essays

Nurses Cultural Background and Impact On Care
With the increasing multicultural population developing cultural competency has been a dynamic challenging process for healthcare providers to find a common ground between the individual and provider and is the goal for delivering holistic, cultural sensitivity care throughout every health care setting (Engebretson, n.d.). Throughout this paper I will discuss the four generations by defining and describing them, explain which group I belong to and how I fit within that generation group. I will further discuss another group which I do not belong and explain how each generational group can learn from each other.
Four Generations
The Veterans, also known as the Silent generation, Traditionalist, Radio …show more content…

This generation is also referred to as Generation Y, Nexters, Echo boomers, and the “Me” generation as well who are well-educated, multitalented, open minded, confident, outgoing, and influential (Berkup, 2014). The focus on children is the highest with attention-giving parents involving their children in all kinds of multiple activities (Twenge & Campbell, 2012). Technology has had the biggest impact on this generation since they were children labeling them as the “digital natives” (Berkup, 2014; Twenge & Campbell, 2012). This high tech environment has allowing them to communicate globally utilizing e-mails, Facebook and text messaging rather than picking up the phone to talk (Stein, 2013; Twenge & Campbell, 2012). Because of the advancements of technology this generation has the most and is the most educated compared to the other generations. They welcome challenges, yearn to learn new ideas and do not hesitate to change their career to find their own sense if identity or feel fulfilled (Stein, 2013; Twenge & Campbell, …show more content…

They believed that if a material did not bring any value to them or have any meaning than that material was removed (Harber, 2011). The Baby Boomers have and keep a lot of material possessions and are not willing to live without their possessions (Harber, 2011). The Boomers can learn from the Generation X to let go of their material possessions and simplify their

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