
Cultural Age Segregation

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Age segregation, which has become normality in today’s society, can lead to negative consequences for all involved. Before we get in to this however, it is important to understand what age segregation actually is, as well as to understand the different types of this societal phenomenon. In general, age segregation is defined as the separation of groups of people based solely on their age. There are three distinct types of age segregation. These include institutional age segregation, spatial age segregation, and cultural age segregation. The first of these, institutional segregation, is the segregation that occurs in situations such as school or work. Children are segregated in schools spending a majority of their time with peers their age. …show more content…

This conversation that they had allowed each group to temporarily break the age segregation for a short time. The children, whom are typically primarily subjected to institutional age segregation, and secondarily to cultural age segregation, were able to break this by speaking with the elder adults. They not only got a taste of how the elderly speak and think and live in contrast to school aged students, but they also were able to learn about how people from the United States typically live and how this differs from people in Brazil. The nursing home elderly folks on the other hand are subjected to primarily spatial age segregation, but also to cultural age segregation. These people were looking for some new faces to talk to, and the Brazilian students were their chance. The elderly people gained insight to how Brazilian people live and their culture. They also had the chance to speak with a different age group than their own, which was something that they were hoping to do. As a person subjected to living in a nursing home, they live day in and day out typically only interacting with other elderly people who live alongside each other. The chance to talk to a new face was both beneficial as well as enjoyable to the elderly nursing home

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