
Cuban And The Cameraman Essay

Decent Essays

The movie “Cuba and the Cameraman” was genuinely a remarkable documentary. It was so fascinating to me for several reasons, but the aspect of the movie that I believe made it most successful was how it did not lay out a specific agenda rather it allowed people to make a choice based on the stories that Jon Alpert presented. These stories however, not only consist of normal everyday Cubans but also the story of Fidel Castro himself.
In the beginning of the film, Alpert represented Fidel in an entirely new light that many American’s do not get to see. Fidel’s mission in the beginning of the revolution was to improve the conditions of his country and not let them be taken advantage of by the U.S. Many Cubans fled the revolution and said that the conditions in the country were horrible; however, this was only one side of the opinions of the result …show more content…

During this time, the U.S. made it seem as though Cuba had been taken over by a Dictator and as a result they attempted to weaken the country through “military action and economic blockades”. To counteract these ideas, the movie begins with Fidel’s death his vision for Cuba was once he gained power; such as education, universal healthcare, and housing assistance. Alpert showed a school that was built as a result of the revolution in which the students are learning molecular biology and he asks about their future aspirations. Many of these aspirations were bright such as being a doctor and an engineer. I believe that Alpert included this in his film to show how bright Cuba’s future looked during this point in time. He also showed hospitals which were offering Universal Healthcare to the citizens of Cuba and the mass expansion of Cuba in which the country was employed by the government and were building things for the advanced society that Fidel was trying to create. Alpert shows that Fidel was mistreated by the U.S. by his film from the visit to the United

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