Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University,Bhilai Scheme of teaching and examination B.E. IV Semester Computer Science & Engineering S.No Board of Study Subject Code 1 Appl. Mathematics 2 Appl. Mathematics 3 Comp Science & Engg 4 Comp Science & Engg 5 Comp Science & Engg 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Management Comp Science & Engg Comp Science & Engg Comp Science & Engg Comp Science & Engg Humanities Subject Name Periods per Scheme of exam week L T 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 19 6 15 640 120 P ESE CT 80 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 Theory/Practical Total Credit Marks L+(T+P) / 2 TA 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 60 60 60 40 5 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 322411(14) 322412( 14 ) 322413( 22 ) 322414( 22 ) …show more content…
UNIT – 2 SET THEORY, RELATIONS, FUNCTIONS (No. of periods 8+2) Basic concept of set theory, Relations, Properties of relation in a set, Equivalence relation, Composition of relations, Partial order & total order relations, Lattices & Hasse diagram, Introduction to function, Inverse, Identity, Injective, Surjective & Bijective functions, Composition of functions and some special functions. (No. of periods 8+2) UNIT – 3 ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES Groups, Subgroups, Cosets, Lagrange’s theorem, Isomorphism, Automorphism, Homomorphism, Codes & group codes, Rings, Integral domains and Fields. UNIT – 4 GRAPH THEORY (No. of periods 8+2) Introduction to graph theory, Walks, Paths & Circuits, Types of graphs, Shortest path problems, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, Basic concept of tree: spanning tree, minimum spanning tree, search tree, rooted binary tree, Cut sets, Network flow, Matrix representation of graphs. UNIT – 5 COMBINATORICS (No. of periods 8+2) Permutation and combination, Pigeon-hole principle, Mathematical induction, Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion, Generating function, Recurrence relation. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Elements of
- Complete all of the details required on the front page of the examination booklet. - Make sure that you note the SIX(6) questions attempted on the front of your examination booklet - If Seven questions are attempted, the first SIX(6) will be marked. - You may use a non-programmable calculator - Graph paper will be provided. - Answers are to be written in ink. Pencils are permitted for graphing purposes. - The
According to the syllabus for CSC-104, we shall learn to navigate and properly use the internet, utilize data bases and search engines, effectively use Canvas, and access cloud storage. Among learning about these systems, we will learn proper ways to safely communicate amongst ourselves and within a professional setting. While stressing importance on netiquette, we will also be placing emphasis on how to compress and expand; retrieve and store; analyze and evaluate different kinds of information. The competency achieved in this class will not only help during our time at Galen College, but as we transition into a job in the medical field. The ability to appropriately communicate with our peers will help us avoid confusion and unnecessary issues within our careers with future patients, family, and doctors.
Whenever there is a question about what assignments are due, please remember this syllabus is considered to be the ruling document.
Guidelines: You may use all of the resources (e.g., textbook, other books, websites) available to you, EXCEPT FOR OTHER PEOPLE. Your work must be done individually. Any exams that appear similar in format and/or answers will be considered to have been done in a group setting. All such exams will receive a score of 0. Late exams will not be accepted for any reason. Any late exams will receive a score of 0. These policies will be strictly enforced.
Permanent storage devices are nonvolatile—that is, their contents are persistent and are retained even when power is lost.
20 55 29 25 27 37 53 37 60 62 63 51 41 37 43 42 47 44 44 40 35 21
(Note: This document includes practice examples from chapters covered only after the mid term. Your term final exam will be a comprehensive one and will include all chapters both before and after mid term exam.)
At the time of preparation of this syllabus, the final exam date is unknown. You will
1 Write your name and student number on the top of this examination paper and on ALL answer booklets.
Yes, cost-benefit is a legitimate tool. “Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) estimates and totals up the equivalent money value of the benefits and costs to the community of projects to establish whether they are worthwhile” (An Introduction to Cost Benefit Analysis). But cost benefit analysis is just for calculating the benefit of the company, in a mathematical way. It shouldn’t play in moral deliberation, there is no way to calculate human life or we can say as the potential that human have. We also can see that there is unsatisfactory about the cost-benefit analysis simply by measuring only the benefits of Ford it’s own. In this case, cost-benefit analysis should improve by adding other stakeholder benefit to produce a “win-win”
Kuldeep Singh – 930, Lalit Kumar Vimal – 931, Harsh Nigam – 924, Arpan Jain - 913 , Ashish Sharma - 915
Seat numbers and places of examination will be announced on the college notice boards four
As mentioned earlier, at the end of the Fall semester, students wishing to test out of the next course had the opportunity to take a placement test. There were two main course sequences in mathematics that students pursued: Basic Math 1 and the Basic Math 2 or Advanced Math 3 and Advanced Math 4. All students seeking entry into the faculty of Sciences were required to take the Advanced Math course sequence. I have attached copies of the course syllabus for each of those courses. Also included are some of the assessments and worksheets provided to