
Cryptography Is An Indispensable Tool Of Techniques For Securing The Security Essay

Decent Essays

Almost in every field including banking and insurance security and privacy have become the essence. Many people prefer internet banking because of its convenience. The solution to the security issues require the use of cryptography in which data is being encrypted and converted to cipher text and then decrypted to original form on reaching the second party. It is an indispensable tool for secured communication between two parties in the presence of third party. This article attempts to introduce the various algorithms which can be successfully used to ensure the security in banks. These algorithms include Shift algorithm, Polyalphabetic Cipher, Affine Cipher, RSA, DSA etc.
Keywords: cryptology, banking, security

Cryptography is an indispensable tool of techniques for the secured communication between two parties in the presence of third party. A cryptographic algorithm is a mathematical function for encryption or decryption where encryption is the process of translating plain text/ data into a random and meaningless (cipher text) data and decryption is the process of converting cipher text back into plain text. In most of the cases, two functions are involved, one for encryption and the other for decryption. It is basically about constructing and analyzing protocols which prevents public from reading the private messages. It is mostly based on mathematical theory and computer science practice .In the

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