
Crusades Dbq

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1. Because of the response the people had to Pope Urban II call to arms a wave of religious enthusiasm swept across Europe. In 1096 Peter the hermit created an army of peasants and soldiers. They traveled to Constantinople, this movement was called the peoples crusade. The outcome of the people’s crusade was tragic because almost all of them died. 2. After the people’s crusade did not work, European lords organized a proper military force that comprised of four major armies. One of the armies was led by the French lord Godfrey of Bouillon. The other three armies came from kingdoms in southern Italy. By 1097 all four of the armies had reached Constantinople and they joined forces which came up to about 30,00 soldiers.

3. The second crusade was about how European lords worked to secure their rule over the crusader states. Muslim forces regrouped and attacked Edessa, the Teutonic knight, the knights Hospitaller, and the knights Templar joined the second crusade. King Louis VII …show more content…

The Christian had a weak hold on the holy land for nearly a century when Saladin began uniting the Muslim armies. When the Christians and Muslims met at the battle of Hattin, the Muslims were able to win because of Saladin. This was the turning point for the crusades because three months later the Muslims conquered the city of Jerusalem.

6. The children’s crusade was a much debated event that supposedly took place in 1212 after the fourth crusade, it was led by two youths from Europe to reclaim the holy land. Two young men around the age of 12 began spreading the message from God to continue the fight to take Jerusalem back from the Christians.

7. The crusaders traveled by land and by sea to take back the holy land from the Muslim infidels they tried to set up crusader states to claim more land but they failed. The crusades contributed to the construction of many European castles and missions and gave more power to the church. The crusades also helped contribute to the start of

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