
Cronus God Of Time Essay

Decent Essays

Cronus or Kronos was the Titan god of Harvest and Time. He was the youngest of the first generation of titans that were bore by Gaia, the earth, and his father Uranus. Cronus was often depicted carrying a scythe or sickle, therefore, it can be argued that Cronus being the god of time could also be death. The reason for this is because death is often depicted as wearing robes while carrying a scythe or sickle. Cronus rises to power by overthrowing his father Uranus. Uranus grows weary of his wife Gaia’s creations, mainly the hundred-handed Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes. Uranus takes the Hecatonchires and shoves them back into the Earth effectively blocking any further creation by Gaia. Gaia is not happy with this so she creates the sickle and goes to her children, the titans, and asks which of them will exact revenge on Uranus. In the end all of the titans decline except for Cronus. So, wielding the sickle Cronus faces his father and castrates him, casting his testicles into the sea. The …show more content…

Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades and Poseidon all came out fully grown. After the plan was completed Zeus freed the Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes. The Cyclopes then forged Zeus’ lightning bolt, Hades’ helmet and Poseidon’s trident. With the help of the Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes, Zeus and the Olympians were successful in overthrowing Cronus and the Titans. Zeus then cast the titans into Tartarus. However, Atlas, Epimetheus, Menoetius, Oceanus and Prometheus were not imprisoned. The fate of Cronus differs according to what story you are referencing. Some say he was imprisoned in Tartarus forever. However, there are a number of other stories claiming very different fates for Cronus. One says that Cronus is later made the King of Elysium or the Isle of the Blessed, another says the Cronus was castrated by Zeus the same way that Cronus castrated his

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