
Criticism Of Heroism In The Plague, By Albert Camus

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The Plague, written by Albert Camus, is a story about a bubonic plague outbreak in the French Algerian city of Oran. “I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter.” This quote from the band, Lincoln Park, describes the Absurdist philosophy shown in the Plague. Camus brings the reader on a rollercoaster of heroism and self-sacrifice, just to drop them off at the fact that none of it mattered in the end. The story starts out by an unnamed narrator giving brief background information. The narrator describes the townsfolk as trapped in their tedious and unimportant day to day routines. The narrator states, “ The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to cultivating habits….. Their chief interest is in …show more content…

Dr. Rieux sends a letter to Paris, asking for plague serum.
The government finally recognizes it as bubonic and declares a quarantine on the city. Dr. Rieux wonders why humanity has so much faith in reason, being as plagues are never rational. The citizens still go about their everyday life not wanting to disrupt their comfortable routine. As the isolation sets in on the citizen’s mindset, the reporter ,Rambert, tries to get the doctor to sign a note releasing him from the city. The doctor, surrounded by pain and suffering, hardens his heart, stating the situation requires, “a certain divorce from reality.” He notes that to fight the plague, he must maintain a certain language of absurdity. One of Rieux’s assistants, Tarrou, believes that catastrophic forces people to rise above themselves. The league of sanitation is formed, and “heros” help combat the plague. Dr. Rieux believes that fighting the plague is no grounds for heroism, instead it is common decency. The plague has become airborne, demonstrating the absurdity and fruitlessness of human resistance. He comments on the absurdity of the human condition stating, that humans are born to die, yet still cling to life with an iron grip. As cemeteries fill up, the people are being burned like the rats in the beginning of the story. Rambert decides to stay, partially due to the guilt of leaving in a crisis like this. Rieux’s assistant finishes a preliminary serum. After Christmas, the death rates start to

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