
Critical Thinking Ethics

Decent Essays

Critical Thinking Erin McLinsky University of Phoenix Critical Thinking Critical thinking and ethics tend to go hand in hand. One cannot possibly complete the full stages of critical thinking without using their ethics. This may mean questioning their own ethic beliefs or strengthen their ethic belief for that topic. Critical Thinking is something that everyone does, whether they know it or not. There are numerous stages to critical thinking and a person may not use all stages at all times. A definition for critical thinking is, “Critical thinking is that mode of thinking - about any subject, content, or problem - in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the …show more content…

The more a person works on their critical thinking, the more they will gain from the lessons and world around them. Each person learns different ways and critical thinking will allow the person to put their own thoughts, experiences, and feelings into each lesson they encounter. If the thinker was not allowed to use their own thoughts, experiences, and feelings into each lesson, they would not be able to achieve the highest stage of critical thinking …show more content…

Their own ethical ideas could make them blind to any other ideas. It could also make them refuse to learn about other people’s ideas due to it clashing with their own ideas. It creates biases that will not allow a person to grow to be the best decision maker and critical thinker that they could be. A person’s biases may make them stop learning at stage three or four of critical thinking, instead of being able to reach a level six stage. Ethics are very important in both professional and societal responsibilities. Ethics are a standard that you uphold. In the professional realm, this may mean following guidelines on what topics are appropriate to talk about. It may also include which information is classified and not classified. In society, ethics are what prevent most people from going crazy and attacking each other. Most people tend to try to follow the golden rule: do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Ethics and critical thinking are very important to people for both professional and societal reasons. Once you are able to identify who you are and what you can accomplish and what you need to work at, the sky is the limit for that person. This allows a person to grow both professionally and

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