Throughout the years, Critical Thinkers have learned ways to become effective when it comes to decision making and problem solving. Critical Thinking requires you to actively use your mind to mentally process thoughts and listen to ways to learn different ideas. Some people may lack the ability to apply critical thinking which inhibits thinking independently and open mindedly. This literature will examine several ways to become an effective critical thinker. This paper will determine what critical thinking really consists of, and ways to develop you're critical thinking in order to make a quick problem solving solution and decisions. It will also compare the effectiveness of a critical thinker versus a non-critical thinker.
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In order to become a free thinker a person have to be willing to change the way they think in reference to a person desire. In order for a person to be a successful critical thinker, their characteristic has to be a highly motivated person willing to research and work hard to produce and deliver the required necessary evidence before making a critical decision. Learning to develop the four proper attitude will allow people to have a better understanding, and a different approach when having to make a tough decision. (A Practical Guide to Critical …show more content…
(DeBruin, Parker, & Fishhoff, 2007). A study in the journal intelligence found that people higher in fluid reasoning, a concept closely linked to critical thinking, outperform others in producing creative idea, and better able to benefit from strategies that promote creative thinking (Nusbaum & Siliva, 2011). Research also show the problem with a non-critical thinker is they are unable to change their concepts. Uncritical thinkers get stuck using the same concepts or use incorrect concepts to interpret the world. (The Radical Revolutionary Strategic Management p.276) While a master critical thinker forces their minds to think of different ways of employing or integrating the same things or ideas. (The Radical Revolutionary Strategic Management p.276) This evidence shows that critical thinkers are very good decision makers and problem solvers. Critical thinking requires an important thinking process, which allows people to make choices using different reasoning and facts. If a critical thinker is not able to adjust their mind set on different viewpoints, they will make decision based off emotion and not evidence or facts (A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking). For example: Quality assurance of case files processed through our department is important. It is highly scrutinized on a government level. The rate of
If I am to develop my personal critical thinking ability, I must first make a conscious choice to understand the basic concept of a premise and then make critical reflection of this basic concept by expanding my thinking approach. To achieve this, I must ask radical questions that will enhance the scope of analysis and judgment. I must move from the region of subconscious thinking to one of conscious thinking because in so doing, I become aware that I am actually thinking. This awareness will allow me to think beyond rudimentary concepts through critical reasoning and critical reflection to decipher underlying issues that are concealed in the concept under investigation. By understanding the predictable
Critical thinking is described as unbiased, clear and factual thought process that helps any student with any decision-making process. Critical thinking is an essential tool that every student will need to master to continue academic success. There are multiple phases of critical thinking as described by Benjamin Bloom which include remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. The critical thinking process starts by remembering. If we can remember what we read and apply key facts we will be able to move forward to understand what decisions we need to make. From there we can then apply the facts to the decision we have to make and innovate, or create, as needed.
To survive in such a multifaceted and diverse world we as people must possess the ability to think critically in highly complex situations. The world is an extremely challenging place, all of us are forced to adapt by constantly challenging existing principles and performing certain methods to ensure our growth both physically and mentally. Many claim that contemporary society needs a skill called critical thinking to adapt and survive. Critical thinking is a higher level of intellectual progression that makes use of diverse information, skills and attitudes in interpreting situations and confronting problems. Critical thinking is done
Critical thinking gives the person to think clearly and rationally and be understand the ideas. Critically thinking allows you to think of the best solution. When you critically thinking you can compare and contrast, explain what happen, understand the perspectives of others, and evaluate ideas and opinions. Thinking critical lays a foundation to make judgments, solve problems, think creatively, and communicate
Over the course of the last six weeks, I have come to realize that critical thinking is an important asset as I continue my journey in life. I have found this course to be both challenging and rewarding. Most importantly, I find myself viewing problems and conversations in a completely different light. While I would not consider myself an expert at critical thinking, I would assess myself in as a Beginner Thinker. Paul and Elder point out in the beginning thinker stage an individual actively begins to take command of their thinking process across multiple facets of their life (Paul and Elder, 2012). Furthermore, we recognize that there are problems in the way we think and begin to consciously attempt to better understand we can improve our thinking.
In 1990, the American Philosophical Association defined critical thinking as “purposeful, self-regulatory process that results in reasoned judgment”. Critical thinking can be defined in a number of similar phrases that all seem to focus on the importance of conscious analysis. Our text starts off with the working phases of critical thinking as analyzing thinking, evaluating thinking, and improving thinking. The process of critical thought is cyclical and not linear. Being a “fair-minded critical thinker” is not a permanent attribute, and it must be consistently worked at as applying intellectual standards and elements of reasoning instead of emotion can be difficult. Overall, to be a strong critical thinker you must work toward strong intellectual traits such humility, courage, and integrity to better represent issues and or arguments.
Critical thinking is a vital task that must be done in our everyday lives. In “Becoming a Critic Of Your Thinking” found at criticalthinking.org, Dr. Linda Elder and Dr. Richard Paul explain critical thinking as “the disciplined art of ensuring that you use the best thinking you are capable of in any set of circumstances”. Even tough there are many different types of methods to achieve a better quality of critical thinking, Dr. Elder and Dr. Paul discuss four specific ones in the article. All strategies, however, force you to put yourself in an uncomfortable and difficult position to develop a better quality of thinking.
Bassham, G., Irwin, W., Nardone, H., & Wallace, J. (2002). Critical Thinking. [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies Publishing. Retrieved August 25, 2004 from University of Phoenix, Resource, MGT/350–Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making Web site: https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/resource/resource.asp
Many different meanings come to mind when I think of critical thinking. Coming from a family full of educators, principals, and attorneys, I often would hear debates between my family members discussing ways to educate and motivate their students. Many different views and positions were established. I began to develop ideas from my family members and understood the possible relationships and differences that emerged between them. The critical thinking process has amplified my problem-solving skills as well as increasing my growth in continued learning and developing skills. In this unit, I've learned that decision-making is a process that is generally based on your attitude at that given time. Bethel University(2013). However, when I began to problem solve, I refer back to brainstorming, analyzing, evaluating, illustrating, and being persistent. Engaging in
The main concepts presented in the article are the varying definitions of each author on the concept of critical thinking. The information the author uses are definitions which are the opinions of varied authors and are similar in foundation in that to apply critical thinking one must be able to identify a problem, pose a question(s), provide valid supporting evidence, and come to a conclusion. Although the author’s definitions do not identify a problem, questions, evidence, or conclusions, the relationship Petress (2004) shows is that the reader must apply this process themselves as it is not always given. The information used does appear to be relevant, significant, and valid. The references the author listed does provide enough information for me to come to this conclusion. Since this work is a literature review and not a case study, numerical data are not necessary to determine validity of the information.
What is critical thinking to you? To some it may mean making wiser choices, taking time to critically analyze a situation, or to just put greater thought in your everyday life. According to Dr. Linda Elder and Dr. Richard Pauls’ article, “Becoming a Critic Of Your Thinking”, critical thinking is defined as the disciplined art of ensuring that you use the best thinking you are capable of in any set of circumstances. To us, critical thinking is a very important aspect of life and something we can all improve on. It allows us to think outside the box and put ourselves in others shoes and really look at things differently. We made sure to think about our own thinking habits while discussing these articles and to notice if we were ever being close-minded.
The concepts of critical thinking and creative thinking are both gaining increasing importance in the world today. Critical thinking allows people to understand difficult concepts in a manner that is clearer and more defined. They can more readily understand those concepts if they employ critical thinking. In all portions of everyday life, a person is expected to make independent judgments. Those judgments are based on experience and knowledge. Without the ability to think critically, every situation that a person comes across would have to be considered in isolation from all other situations. When a person encounters a problem that is a new one, he or she may be able to use critical thinking to solve those problems.
In the article “Critical Thinking: What Is It and Why It Counts” written by Peter A. Facione goes in depth on the topic of critical thinking, and reasons why it can be a beneficial in our everyday lives. Although one may think, “What does critical thinking have to do with my life?” the answer is simple. Critical thinking is thinking that has a purpose, liking proving a point, or an interpretation of an idea or thought, and solving problems. Now, all successful critical thinkers have these six abilities at the core for thinking skills: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-regulation. The first three skills usually try to identify, and comprehend the issue or idea at hand. The next three make a conclusion,
Critical thinking is one of the most important traits that a person can have in their day to day lives. It involves the person to have the ability to ascertain claims and make judgments based on well-support evidence or logic rather than anecdote or emotion. There are 8 protocols that critical thinkers’ exhibit in their day to day lives in order to become better at their craft.
Critical thinking is something I don’t do very often, sometimes I just judge from looking or listening to what I see or hear but this is something I will learn with time. To learn critical thinking I will follow the steps that are required because critical thinking is something we have to learn because we are not born critical thinking. One is identifying what we are talking about. Then we have to gather information about the theme that we are talking about. The next step is to look for evidence and consider alternatives or other people points of view. Sometimes we do not want to accept what other peoples opinion is about something and that is wrong because we might learn from them. Finally we choose the best possible alternative after we have gone thru all this. Using critical thinking will allow you to make better decisions not only in the work place but also in our day to day lives. Maybe one day you will have to make a life changing decision in your job.