
Critical Thinking Effectiveness

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Throughout the years, Critical Thinkers have learned ways to become effective when it comes to decision making and problem solving. Critical Thinking requires you to actively use your mind to mentally process thoughts and listen to ways to learn different ideas. Some people may lack the ability to apply critical thinking which inhibits thinking independently and open mindedly. This literature will examine several ways to become an effective critical thinker. This paper will determine what critical thinking really consists of, and ways to develop you're critical thinking in order to make a quick problem solving solution and decisions. It will also compare the effectiveness of a critical thinker versus a non-critical thinker. …show more content…

In order to become a free thinker a person have to be willing to change the way they think in reference to a person desire. In order for a person to be a successful critical thinker, their characteristic has to be a highly motivated person willing to research and work hard to produce and deliver the required necessary evidence before making a critical decision. Learning to develop the four proper attitude will allow people to have a better understanding, and a different approach when having to make a tough decision. (A Practical Guide to Critical …show more content…

(DeBruin, Parker, & Fishhoff, 2007). A study in the journal intelligence found that people higher in fluid reasoning, a concept closely linked to critical thinking, outperform others in producing creative idea, and better able to benefit from strategies that promote creative thinking (Nusbaum & Siliva, 2011). Research also show the problem with a non-critical thinker is they are unable to change their concepts. Uncritical thinkers get stuck using the same concepts or use incorrect concepts to interpret the world. (The Radical Revolutionary Strategic Management p.276) While a master critical thinker forces their minds to think of different ways of employing or integrating the same things or ideas. (The Radical Revolutionary Strategic Management p.276) This evidence shows that critical thinkers are very good decision makers and problem solvers. Critical thinking requires an important thinking process, which allows people to make choices using different reasoning and facts. If a critical thinker is not able to adjust their mind set on different viewpoints, they will make decision based off emotion and not evidence or facts (A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking). For example: Quality assurance of case files processed through our department is important. It is highly scrutinized on a government level. The rate of

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