
Critical Thinking Definition

Decent Essays

1. Critical thinking has no application in day-to-day life. 2. If critical thinking is purposeful judgment, then if I do not agree with your judgment, that means I’m not thinking critically.” 3. “Critical thinking” means being critical. That’s too much constant hostility. We should all just relax and agree. 4. Democracies get along just fine even if people do not think for themselves. 5. Decisions about how I want to live my life do not affect other people. I'm a mother and lead pharmacy technicican with my employer. Any decisons I make in the public reflects on the comany I work for and the wrong decion can have ne fired. Depending on the decison in the public can also have me to loose my son. That will affect my life, my son and my family. …show more content…

Some people achieve popularity, wealth, and power without appearing to be strong critical thinkers, but you’re saying that this can’t happen to me. 13. We cannot be responsible for what we were taught to believe when we were children. We can try to apply critical thinking to those beliefs, but we can never change our minds about them. 14. I’m already very confident in my critical thinking ability, so there is no reason for me to go any further in this book. 15. If critical thinking is a mental process, then it will not help me learn the informational content of my other college courses. 16. You only are going to make trouble for yourself by rocking the boat with challenging questions and demands for reasons and evidence. Hey, you got to go along to get along. 17. I like many of the things that my city, county, state, and national governments do, so I must be a weak critical thinker. 18. It is fine to apply critical thinking in education, business, science, law enforcement, and international problems, but there is no place for critical thinking in religious matters. 19. Looking at the HCTSR, I find that my family and friends do not seem to be very good critical thinkers, so I don’t have much of a chance to become one

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