
Critical Reflection Of The Crucible

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The Crucible presents itself as one of the most controversial books of all time, seeing as its written by a man who got not just accused of communism, but asked by the FBI to change one of his screenplays because he got wrapped up the ‘witch hunt’ of his time. This books written not only to convey the messages and important lesson from the Salem Trials, but to also draw parallels to the modern events in the lives of the audience. Arthur Miller came up with the richly significant name of his book by sampling bits from linguistic, scientific, and biblical definitions of the word “crucible.” The linguistic root of the word crucible comes from the Latin prefix “crux” meaning cross, and it also means a severe trial. The court trials in which the accused got harassed in would certainly get classified as intense, and in this play nineteen people get killed, mostly due to allegations based on jealously, greed, or idiocrasy. People get tested in many ways, through their integrity and their faith which inevitably separated the strong characters who stand up for what they believe in from the weak characters who when getting tried gave in to whatever they thought easiest. In these tests, those who got looked down on in the community- slaves, outcasts, and people who had problems with the accusing group got targeted and put on the chopping block in the ultimate test first. However, despite that start of only certain targets, soon no one could feel safe from these trials, and everyone

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